Shrewsbury's most famous son
Charles Darwin's statue outside the library, formerly Shrewsbury School which he attended from 1818 to 1825, as a boarder although his family home was nearby. He disliked his time as a scholar, complaining about compulsory versifying and rote-learning. For more about his schooldays see http://www.shrewsbury.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=features.content&cmid=615
The statue, bronze on a granite plinth, is by Horace Montford and was erected in 1897.
Image: © Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff
Taken: 4 Feb 2010
0.00 miles
Kennedy House & Butler's Gate, School Gardens, Shrewsbury
A pair of fine town houses which have had various uses over their lifetime. Originally 16th century, but much rebuilt in 1818 when they were part of the nearby Shrewsbury School (interior wood panelling retains carvings from pupils in the period 1840 - 1880 or so) and Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254870-building-adjacent-to-the-old-school-house-shrewsbury#.ZA5JinbP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254870 in 1953. They have also previously served as the offices of the West Midlands
and British Quarrying Co Ltd, and also of the General Accident, Fire and
Life Assurance Corporation Ltd; both are now private houses.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 12 Mar 2023
0.01 miles
Old School House, School Gardens, Shrewsbury
With C16th origins, but Tudorised by J.H. & E. Haycock c1818 for the headmaster of Shrewsbury School, Samuel Butler. Grade II listed.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 11 May 2014
0.01 miles
School Chambers
The 19th century alterations hide a much earlier, probably early 17th century timber framed house, which was later extended and converted to retail use. The original building lies within the central jettied & gabled portion seen here. Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254845-school-chambers-shrewsbury#.ZA5FZnbP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254845 in 1953.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 12 Mar 2023
0.01 miles
Entrance to Shrewsbury Library
The arch on the right goes through to the imposing frontage of this building http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1693941
Image: © Dave Croker
Taken: 4 Feb 2010
0.01 miles
Shrewsbury library and castle
Approaching from the southwest via School Gardens. The magnificent building that is now the main library formerly housed Shrewsbury School from 1550 to 1882.
On the right of the image can be seen, sideways,the statue of Charles Darwin seated in front of his alma mater, with the castle in the background.
Image: © Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff
Taken: 4 Feb 2010
0.01 miles
Houses on School Gardens
Image: © Dave Croker
Taken: 17 Aug 2011
0.01 miles
Sydney House/1 Sydney Court, Shrewsbury
One of three fairly similar, early 18th century houses around a central courtyard. The sign to the lower left of the doorway suggests that the basement is now partly in commercial use, being the part that incorporates the remains of cells from the 18th century town gaol, and which presumably makes for an 'interesting' beauty experience. The whole was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101270574-sydney-house-shrewsbury#.ZA5C3HbP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1270574 in 1953.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 12 Mar 2023
0.01 miles
2 & 3 School Gardens
The houses are dated 1825, but possibly hide an earlier building beneath that 19th century facade, which bears a stone with the initials SB, for Samuel Butler who was headmaster of the school in the building now occupied by the
Image between 1798 and 1836. Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254867-2-and-3-school-gardens-shrewsbury#.ZA5HKnbP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254867 in 1953.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 12 Mar 2023
0.01 miles
2-3 School Gardens, Shrewsbury
Built as schoolmasters' houses for Shrewsbury School by Edward Haycock, 1825. Grade II listed.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 11 May 2014
0.02 miles