Corner of Market Street and Swan Hill, Shrewsbury
Looking west along Market Street past the junction at the bottom of Swan Hill.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 31 May 2014
0.01 miles
Loch Fyne, Shrewsbury
Seafood bar and grill in Talbot House, Market Street, on the corner of Swan Hill.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 31 May 2014
0.01 miles
The Coach and Horses Pub, Swan Hill
Image: © Roy Haworth
Taken: 16 Aug 2003
0.01 miles
Market Street, Shrewsbury
Looking from The Square with The Music Hall on the left. This was built as a civic assembly rooms in 1839 to the design of Edward Haycock, Listed Grade II.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 25 Apr 2016
0.01 miles
Nos 3, 4 & 5 Market Street, Shrewsbury
A row of three former houses which date from the mid 18th century, now converted to shops on the ground floors, but presumably retaining flats or accommodation above. They were collectively Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101270683-34-and-5-market-street-shrewsbury#.YrK60HbMI2w & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1270683 in 1972.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.01 miles
Old Police Station
The view of the former Police Station in Swan Hill, Shrewsbury.
Image: © Gordon Griffiths
Taken: 30 May 2015
0.02 miles
Shrewsbury Town Centre
Image: © Mr M Evison
Taken: 7 Mar 2010
0.02 miles
The shuts and passages of Shrewsbury: Gullet Passage
Shrewsbury retains a number of 'shuts' or alleyways which provide convenient shortcuts and which enable pedestrians to get around the centre of the town in an almost bygone world behind and between the busy shopping streets. These narrow passages date back to the Middle Ages when the town must have been a veritable rabbit warren: many have disappeared in the course of redevelopment and those that remain deserve to be preserved. The origin of the name is obscure but, it has been suggested that, unlike closed cul-de sacs, these alleys, being open both ends, allow the pedestrian to 'shoot' rapidly from one street to another. 'Shut' could also be a contraction of 'shortcut' which is what it usually is!
Gullet Passage runs in this direction from The Square to The Hole in the Wall pub in Shoplatch. It has been suggested that the name Gullet comes from the Middle English word 'golate' meaning stream and that water once ran this way from the pool where the square now is down to the Welsh bridge. Alternatively that it was named after an inn of that name belonging to one Molly Miles and mentioned in an old ditty that ends "Up and down the Gullet Shut and call at Molly Miles's".
Image: © Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff
Taken: 3 Feb 2010
0.02 miles
Three Scooters (a street scene)
This photo was taken from across the road outside a charity shop. It looks like someone else is taking an interest in the bikes.
Image: © Stu JP
Taken: 13 Aug 2010
0.02 miles
No 2 Market Street, Shrewsbury
Late 18th century in origin, and originally built as a town house, but the ground floor commercial frontage was inserted in the late 19th century. It was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254654-2-market-street-shrewsbury#.YrK8mXbMI2w & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254654 in 1972.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 22 May 2022
0.02 miles