Remains of Bennett's Hall on Pride Hill
This arched doorway, and another a few yards to its right, along with the intervening wall and fireplace, represent most of the remains of a 13th century merchant's town house known as Bennett's Hall, Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254707-remains-of-bennetts-hall-2-and-3-pride-hill-shrewsbury#.XXUz1ChKjcs & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254707 in 1953. There is also a short piece of similar walling in the courtyard at the rear of the modern building that surrounds what we see here. The unfortunate town house has suffered badly over the years, being partially demolished in the late 16th century and a series of cottages erected within its curtilage. What remains is now a feature at the rear of the Pret a Manger restaurant on Pride Hill.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 8 Sep 2019
0.02 miles
In part of the Darwin Shopping Centre, Shrewsbury
A Ukelele band perform a few numbers as part of the 2017 Big Busk in Shrewsbury.
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 1 Apr 2017
0.02 miles
6a Pride Hill, Shrewsbury
An early 19th century shop with accommodation above, which was Grade II listed https://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101270653-6a-pride-hill-shrewsbury#.WsZnp9QrLGh in 1972.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 24 Mar 2018
0.02 miles
Inside part of the Darwin Centre, Shrewsbury
A choir sing in the shopping centre as part of Shrewsbury's Big Busk 2017.
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 1 Apr 2017
0.02 miles
Pride Hill, Shrewsbury
Saturday afternoon shoppers throng Shrewsbury's pedestrianised shopping street.
Image: © Stephen McKay
Taken: 7 Mar 2009
0.03 miles
7-9 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury
Recognisably one of A.N. Bromley's works for Boots (e.g. compare
Image]), this time with H.G. Watkins. Built in 1915. Pevsner is critical, describing it as "another misguided attempt to carry on the town's half-timbered tradition. Yet with alien pargeting and 'Ipswich' windows". Grade II listed.
Boots is still here.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 11 May 2014
0.03 miles
Shrewsbury, Pride Hill: Boots
Image: © Michael Garlick
Taken: 30 Apr 2019
0.03 miles
12 & 13 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury
No 12 nearest the camera, no 13 beyond. They date from at least the 18th century, and probably incorporate parts of older structures than that, although the shop fronts are clearly a much more recent (20th century) addition. Collectively they attracted a Grade II listing https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254709-12-and-13-pride-hill-shrewsbury#.YeQ8Bf7P3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254709 in 1953.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 9 Jan 2022
0.03 miles
10 & 11 Pride Hill, Shrewsbury
Originally built as shops and dwellings, most probably in the early 18th century, although the current shop fronts are rather more modern than that. The rear wall of both buildings, and the cellars of no 11 on the right, incorporate the remains and cellars of a much older structure, thought to be 14th century. I didn't ask to have a look at these, but they may be contemporaneous with, and similar in structure to
Image which lies at the back of a restaurant a few doors down the street. Nos 10 & 11 were Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101254708-10-and-11-pride-hill-shrewsbury#.YeQ-7_7P3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1254708 in 1972.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 9 Jan 2022
0.03 miles
Busy pedestrianised street in Shrewsbury town centre
Pride Hill viewed from the corner of Butchers Row.
Image: © Jaggery
Taken: 31 May 2014
0.03 miles