Maybush: Crabwood House
Crabwood House is now in the grounds of the Ordnance Survey's headquarters site, has been in use as one of their offices, but was once a country residence. It is Grade II listed and Southampton City Council's Historic Environment Record of Listed Buildings describes it thus:
"Early C19. Two storeys stuccoed. Flat pitched slate roof with overhanging eaves. Two sashes and one blank. Central Doric columned porch with triglyph frieze and round-headed fanlight. Garden front has canted bay windows. Mid C19 matching wing of slightly lower elevation with 4 sashes. Victorian wood and glass gabled conservatory at rear."
In the current plans to redevelop the whole site the house would be kept and converted back into dwellings.
To give an indication of previous families who inhabited the house, the following were resident on the night that the 1881 Census was undertaken:
Edward St. J. GRIFFITHS, head of the household, married, aged 46, born in France (a British Subject), a Lieutenant Colonel on the Army List (retired),
Georgina F. GRIFFITHS, his wife, aged 34, born in Ireland,
Georgina LARCOUR, his mother in law, a widow, aged 66, born in Spain, (a British Subject), a Lady (a widow of a Lord),
Maud E.G. GRIFFITHS, his daughter, aged 6, place of birth not recorded,
Philip F. GRIFFITHS, his son, aged 4, place of birth not recorded,
Gerald W.L. GRIFFITHS, his son, aged 1, born in Millbrook, Hampshire,
Fanny EMMS, a servant, unmarried, aged 31, born in Nighton, Wiltshire, a cook,
Hannah JONES, a servant, unmaried, aged 25, born in Bentley, Stafford, a parlour maid,
Catherine A. GIBBS, a servant, unmarried, aged 23, born in Mosterton, Dorset, a housemaid,
Catherine JONES, a servant, unmarried, aged 29, born in Radnorshire, Wales (exact place of birth not known), a nurse,
Louisa BROWN, a servant, unmarried, aged 18, born in London, a nursemaid.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 17 Feb 2010
0.13 miles