St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - mason's mark
The two 'X's were made by a mason centuries ago. Although highly skilled many masons were illiterate. The marks were made in order to identify work done by an individual mason for payment purposes.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - clock weights
These two weights drive the clock. They are winched up by means of hand cranks on the clock mechanism every week.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - clock bell
The clock sounds the hours and quarters. It is the only remaining bell in the tower, the others having been removed and melted down at Whitechapel.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - graffiti
The mark at the top is the sign of the Holy Trinity. Under that are the initials 'WB' and the date 1655. At the bottom are rather more recent marks.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - north turret
This turret is as originally built in contrast to its western neighbour.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough
The church became redundant in the 1970s. Since then it has found a new lease of life as a craft centre and coffee shop. The tower is open to accompanied visits on Saturdays and BH Mondays between Easter and mid October (around the time of the Mop fairs). All it costs is £2! The views are excellent.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough
No longer used as a church, the building is now home to a craft centre and coffee shop. The tower can be climbed (inside) to the roof every Saturday and Bank Holiday Monday from Easter to mid-October. Good value at £2.00. The turret on the far right is subtly different from its three neighbours. For an explanation see this image: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/460747
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - graffito
This reads 'Thomas Young 1610'. It might look like 16010 but the centre character is said to be a representation of the Holy Trinity. Thomas Young is believed to have been a priest here. The church itself dates in its present form to 1460.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - putlog hole
When the church was built, wooden beams were used as internal scaffolding. The ends of the beams were placed in openings like this and were left in case they were needed for future maintenance purposes. The term 'putlog' is self-explanatory and is still in use today even though modern scaffolding now uses metal tubes rather than timber.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles
St Peter's church,High Street, Marlborough - bell tower
These massive beams once supported eight bells, now gone and long since melted down. One remaining small bell for the clock can just be seen at bottom right.
Image: © Brian Robert Marshall
Taken: 9 Jun 2007
0.02 miles