2008 : Did Salvador Dali live here?
This fine clock, keeping good time, would not be out of place on the spire of some great cathedral. Here it is on the side of a private garage standing in someone's garden (hope he doesn't mind me putting it here).
To keep it company there is a splendid weather vane. Looking carefully you can see it bears a motorcyclist with a dog in the sidecar wearing scarf and goggles but no safety helmet, come sir, you can do better than that!
Image: © Maurice Pullin
Taken: 4 Feb 2008
0.06 miles
A broken spout
The old water pump in the middle of the Bath Road has had a bit of trouble. See
Image] for a look at where it is and how it's been sheltered.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.07 miles
Homely sundial
High on the front wall of an old house along the Bath Road is a sundial. It appears to be a relatively new piece of work, with a hand-crafted dial and scrolled gnomon.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.08 miles
A pump to keep the garden growing
A cast iron pump stands in the front garden of a house in Atworth. It appears to be a genuine source, with a black-painted Joseph Evans article on a wooden support.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.08 miles
An unusually shaped bus shelter
This stone shelter is patently used for waiting passengers, what with the timetable attached to the wall. However, it is not really what it was first built for. Look inside and you will see a water pump! See
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.08 miles
Weather vane, Atworth
Weather vanes have always been more than just a wind direction device. Created by skilled craftsman, there is true artistic expression in the varied designs. Initially wood vanes were carved by carpenters or furniture makers, and iron, copper and tin ones were forged by the local blacksmith or tinsmith. In the 19th century weather vanes started to be mass-produced from moulds.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 11 Apr 2010
0.08 miles
Atworth's old post office
Now a private residence, this was the village office - next to Post Office Lane, no less. It's just possible to make out old painted text on the middle string course, although it is no longer legible.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 15 Jun 2021
0.09 miles
2008 : Bath Road, Atworth
The A365 passing through Atworth between Melksham to the south east and Box, north west.
Image: © Maurice Pullin
Taken: 4 Feb 2008
0.09 miles
Telephone box, Atworth
A K6 type telephone box beside the A365.
In 1935, the Post Office commissioned a new kiosk from Sir Giles Gilbert Scott to celebrate the Jubilee of King George V. The K6 Jubilee Kiosk, as it is known, was similar to the K2 box, being made of cast iron and painted red but was 25% lighter in weight. By the end of the 1930s there were 20,000 K6 telephone boxes in use all over the UK.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 11 Apr 2010
0.10 miles
The White Hart, Atworth
Built of limestone ashlar in the late 18th century. For a closer view of the sign
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 11 Apr 2010
0.10 miles