Sterecycle site on Sheffield Road, Tinsley
One of many industrial units placed as close as planning allows to the pavement and to allow ease of access to maintain their plant. I thought Planning Authorities had the power to insist that industrial buildings were bordered with some decorative vegetation such as grass, hedges, shrubs, trees or even, dare I say it flowering plants where they meet public thoroughfares and rights of way. Even now, there are very few business sites in the area that have any 'landscaping' at all.
Image: © Nic Franklin-Woolley
Taken: 21 Feb 2010
0.05 miles
Deadman's Hole
Cranes working at Deadman's Hole. I have read that Deadman's Hole and Deadman's Hole Lane take their names from human remains found in a nearby Roman cemetery.
Image: © Martin Speck
Taken: 25 May 2008
0.06 miles
Darwins on Sheffield Rd, Templeborough
One of the industrial 'barns' at Tinsley/Templeborough between Sheffield and Rotherham. How about some landscaping as there is precious little greenery in the whole area or are planners happy to leave near-by residents without any green space at all?
Image: © Nic Franklin-Woolley
Taken: 30 Mar 2010
0.07 miles
Halfpenny Bridge at Tinsley
A foot bridge over the River Don and another confluence with the South Yorks and Tinsley canal. It's not that long ago that it was repainted, though maybe not with an algae resistant paint. If man-made structures weren't regularly maintained, they would soon deteriorate then disintegrate just from plant life, and perhaps the graffiti helps keep vegetative growth at bay. Not my idea of maintenance mind...
Image: © Nic Franklin-Woolley
Taken: 28 Mar 2010
0.09 miles
River Don rail bridge
Seen from below the bridge at Tinsley
Image: © Paul Harrop
Taken: 3 Aug 2010
0.10 miles
Crossing Halfpenny Bridge on the Trans Pennine Trail
Image: © Steve Fareham
Taken: 11 Nov 2007
0.10 miles
Railway bridge over the River Don near Tinsley Sheffield
Taken from the Rotherham Trans Pennine Trail link.
Image: © Steve Fareham
Taken: 11 Nov 2007
0.10 miles
Swans at Halfpenny Bridge, Tinsley
All swans are labelled. These two stayed longer than the goose I photographed the previous day, but I haven't seen them for weeks. I am not sure if there is enough for them to eat on this stretch of canal. Another reason they left may have been the number of people who use the towpath and footbridge, so it was never going to be the best place for them to stay.
Image: © Nic Franklin-Woolley
Taken: 2 Jan 2010
0.10 miles
Goose at Halfpenny bridge, Tinsley
It never seemed happy here, maybe with all the stuff floating downstream which also gets caught on the bank as seen in the photo. Perhaps it left to have a gander at something else...
Image: © Nic Franklin-Woolley
Taken: 1 Jan 2010
0.11 miles
Lock gate
Lock gates regularly get cleaned and the locks 'flushed' at Tinsley flight and all along this canal spur to Sheffield basin. Not much traffic along this spur so vegetation gets a better chance to settle and grow as shown on the lock gate here. Silt and debris can make the gates difficult to open or close. People on narrow boats might just appreciate a bit of help opening and closing these gates. Speaking for myself, I do.
Image: © Nic Franklin-Woolley
Taken: 23 Sep 2009
0.11 miles