The street around Creswell Model Village
As at new Bolsover, the houses were built with their backs to the street. There was a tramway that delivered coal to the houses and took away 'night soil' from the ash privies.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 26 Oct 2015
0.01 miles
Creswell Model Village, The Green
Built in 1896 to house workers at Creswell Colliery, the village consists of a double ring of houses, separated by a service road, around a large green in the form of an extended octagon. The houses are built in a variety of different designs. After a period of decline from the 1980s, the village has been turned round with the help of an active residents' Association and a large Heritage Lottery Fund award.
The bench in the foreground commemorates the Creswell Colliery Disaster of 1950 and memorialises one of the victims who lived in the Village.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 30 Sep 2008
0.06 miles
Creswell Model Village
View from the south east. The large building at the left is the miners' welfare building or Club House.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 30 Sep 2008
0.06 miles
Commemorative Bench
To the memory of John William Doxey, resident of Creswell Model Village, a victim of the Creswell Colliery disaster in 1950 which claimed 80 lives.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 30 Sep 2008
0.06 miles
Service road, Model Village, Creswell
This road forms a circuit around the Model Village; the houses back onto it, and front onto either a footpath around the outside or the large green in the centre.
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 5 May 2018
0.07 miles
Seat on the Green, Creswell 'Model Village'
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 26 Oct 2015
0.07 miles
Road through the centre, Model Village, Creswell
Linking the two long sides of the service road, thereby dividing the green in two. This road continues to Elmton Road and the outside world.
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 5 May 2018
0.08 miles
Model Village, Creswell
Creswell Model Village is an arts and crafts style model village. The pit village was built in 1895 by the Bolsover Colliery Company to designs by architect Percy B. Houfton for the workers of Creswell Colliery on land leased from the Welbeck Estate. Influenced by garden village principles, it provided the workers with modern facilities; it had a tramway to deliver coal to the houses. Designed around a large oval village green with an access road through the centre, the houses are of varying styles. The Model as it is known, has been refurbished. (source Wikipedia)
Image: © Colin Park
Taken: 29 Jul 2021
0.08 miles
Miners Welfare
Perhaps one of the better examples of a former Miners Welfare building. The stone plaque above the door on the right acclaims "Publ(i)c Hal(l) Entranc(e)" The final 'l' in Hall and the final 'e' in Entrance are both smaller letters inside the previous letter. The 'i' in Public is also shortened to reduce the spacing. Difficult to tell if this was planned or an oversight when marking out for carving.
Image: © Michael Patterson
Taken: 5 Feb 2006
0.08 miles
Trees on the edge of the green, Creswell Model Village
The tree in the foreground is a Rowan. These were perhaps replacements for trees planted over a hundred years ago.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 26 Oct 2015
0.09 miles