Whitham Road, Broomhill
This row of shops, situated within a small triangle, is sandwiched between Nile Street and Newbould Lane. In the near distance you can just see the top of Broomhill Infants School, and beyond is the Hallamshire Hospital.
The Yorkshire Bank is a commercial bank in England and Wales, a division of Clydesdale Bank, which in turn is a subsidiary of National Australia Bank. It mostly operates in the North of England, especially in Yorkshire. It was known as the Yorkshire Penny Bank. I suppose they dropped that title when decimal coinage came out. The Yorkshire 1p Bank wouldn't look very good.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 6 Aug 2008
0.00 miles
Fulwood Road shops
Fulwood Road shops seen from the rooftop car park. The Hallamshire Hospital is visible on the horizon.
Image: © Martin Speck
Taken: 7 Jun 2008
0.01 miles
Whitham Road, Broomhill
Fulwood Road straight on and Crookes Road to the right.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 6 Aug 2008
0.02 miles
A57 Witham Road, Broomhill
Image: © Colin Pyle
Taken: 19 Jan 2014
0.02 miles
Witham Road, Broomhill
Years ago the bank used to be the Williams Deacons Bank and the small addition to the left used to be Lotus - a shoe shop. Next door to that was Truelove - a ladies fashion shop. Now it is Wish Again. Trams ran along here and then double-deck buses. Now they run single-deck buses and have extended the route to Hillsborough.
For an early Sheffield Transport Department tram shot taken by my father of a rebuilt Standard Car http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a303/escafeld01/TRAM251-BROOMHILLb.jpg
A line drawing of mine of an earlier STD tram, which shows the only surviving example of Sheffield's Standard Cars http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a303/escafeld01/TRAM189-LINEDRAWING-1.gif
A photograph of mine of an early STD double-deck Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1 with Park Royal body, at Tinsley Railway Depot Open Day http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a303/escafeld01/STDBus1357.jpg
Another photograph of mine of an even earlier STD double-deck Leyland Titan PD2 with Weymann H32/26R body, at Roscoe Bank http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a303/escafeld01/STDBus709.jpg
The prototype Standard Car (numbered 1) was built by Cravens at Darnall, and entered service in 1927. Subsequently about 150 more were built at the Queens Road works and 25 were built by W.E. Hill & Sons in South Shields. From 1936–1939 the Queens Road works built redesigned Standard Cars, which were known as the 'Domed-roof' Class and had improved lighting and seats.
The Leyland Atlantean was a model of double-decker bus built by Leyland (with bodies added by a variety of companies) in the United Kingdom from 1958 to 1986.
The Leyland PD2s were built in the 1940s.
I retain the copyright of the line drawing. Not to be reproduced without my permission.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 6 Aug 2008
0.02 miles
Whitham Road, Broomhill
A broader view of the previous photograph http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1009353
Another link, which explains how Williams Deacon's Bank became the Royal Bank of Scotland http://heritagearchives.rbs.com/companies/list/williams-deacons-bank-ltd.html
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 6 Aug 2008
0.02 miles
Bloomery on Nile Street, Sheffield
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 20 Jan 2018
0.02 miles
Broomhill crossroads
Crookes Road, Whitam Road, Nile Street and Fulwood Road meet here. The Hallamshire Hospital is visible on the horizon.
Image: © Martin Speck
Taken: 7 Jun 2008
0.02 miles
Whitham Road, Broomhill
The bus stop to the left, at the junction of Newbould Lane, was resited some time ago and the road was narrowed to incorporate it. It previously stood where the litter bin further on now stands.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 6 Aug 2008
0.02 miles
Whitham Road, Broomhill
This is a former tram route, which was operated by the Sheffield Transport Department. The STD later replaced the trams with double-deck buses and recently Arriva have taken over with their single-deck buses. The route now extends from Woodhouse to Hillsborough, whereas the western end of the terminus was Crookes. The single-deck buses will find it easier to climb the steep road out of Hillsborough than the double-decks.
The two Alexander PS bodied Volvo B10M 632 buses are expected to be withdrawn in 2011.
Arriva is one of the largest transport services organisations in Europe, employing more than 40,000 people.
Image: © Dave Hitchborne
Taken: 6 Aug 2008
0.02 miles