Junction of Willow Drive and Hawthorn Avenue, Johnstone
March 1st 2018 - 'The Beast from the East'
Image: © Vince Madden
Taken: 1 Mar 2018
0.10 miles
Housing estate, Johnstone
The southern edge of the town - a series of streets with a tree-name theme, and Craigston Wood beyond.
Image: © M J Richardson
Taken: 11 May 2016
0.11 miles
Hawthorn Avenue
Image: © Vince Madden
Taken: 8 Sep 2004
0.11 miles
Johnstone Castle from the air
This area of Johnstone takes its name from the nearby Johnstone Castle
Image Major redevelopment appears to be in progress.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 4 Oct 2019
0.15 miles
Johnstone Castle from the air
This area of Johnstone takes its name from the nearby Johnstone Castle
Image Major redevelopment appears to be in progress.
Johnstone Castle Learning Centre on Pine Crescent is in the foreground, with Alder Place beyond. Houses construction us in progress on Elm Drive, with Auchenlodment Primary School beyond. The houses at top left are in Elderslie.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 4 Oct 2019
0.17 miles
Johnstone Castle from the air
This area of Johnstone takes its name from the nearby Johnstone Castle
Image Major redevelopment appears to be in progress.
Johnstone Castle Learning Centre on Pine Crescent is in the foreground, with Alder Place beyond. Houses construction us in progress on Elm Drive, with Auchenlodment Primary School beyond.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 4 Oct 2019
0.17 miles
Sundial on Johnstone Castle
The setting is rather spoiled by the adjacent pipe (whose run-off has also stained it), but this sundial, dated 1700, is still of interest. It is fixed high on the south-facing wall of
Image Its location can be picked out, on the right, in
This is a vertical direct south dial (see
Image), but it has lost its gnomon.
Image: © Lairich Rig
Taken: 11 Jul 2011
0.17 miles
Johnstone Castle
South elevation showing some of the seemingly abandoned building works.
Image: © wfmillar
Taken: 3 Feb 2009
0.17 miles
Johnstone Castle from the air
The Category B Listed castle http://portal.historic-scotland.gov.uk/designation/LB35602 is now surrounded by council houses.
See also
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 16 Mar 2016
0.18 miles
Johnstone Castle from the air
A castle in the middle of a housing scheme on the outskirts of Johnstone. Category B Listed http://portal.historicenvironment.scot/designation/LB35602 , described as follows on Canmore https://canmore.org.uk/site/43213/johnstone-castle ...
""Johnstoun, an old possession of the Nisbets, came from them to the Wallaces, continued six generations a house of good account, now decayed".
W Macfarlane 1907
Johnstone Castle, now situated in a modern housing scheme, was originally named "Easter Cochran" and owned by the family of that ilk, its name changed in 1733 when it was acquired by the Houstons of Johnstone. they added to and altered the former mainly 16th century fortalice in the years that followed. Now that the estate has been taken over by the burgh, most of the extended mansion has been pulled down and only the original part is left, though much scarred by 19th century 'improvements'. It is now used as a store.
The castle as it now stands is L-shaped and consists of a comparatively little-altered main block of three storyes and a garret, lying E-W, with a wing, now built in the form of a massive Gothic tower, projecting N and rising a storey higher. Apart from two tiny windows at basement level, and others built up, the wing has been very much altered.
The hall, on the first floor of the main block, has also been much altered, but still retains a garderobe and a very deep window embrasure, giving the impression of a nucleus older than the 16th century.
N Tranter 1970."
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 28 Jun 2019
0.18 miles