Newly refurbished building.
Image: © Peter McDermott
Taken: 25 May 2020
0.07 miles
Wardleworth Bridge, Rochdale, Lancashire, from the east
This was the railway bridge carrying the ex-L.Y.R. Rochdale to Facit branch, which spanned the upper part of Yorkshire Street. Seen here from the east, this bridge was later removed after the branch line had become completely disused. On each of the abutments can be discerned a coat of arms, which was that of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway.
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 19 Aug 1970
0.07 miles
Backs of houses on Oswald Street, Rochdale, Lancashire
The waste ground in the foreground of this photograph is the site of a high railway embankment carrying the L&Y Rochdale to Bacup line. The embankment was removed after the line had closed, shortly before this was taken
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 15 Sep 1979
0.10 miles
Wardleworth Bridge, Yorkshire Street, Rochdale, Lancashire
This was the railway bridge carrying the ex-L.Y.R. Rochdale to Facit branch, which spanned the upper part of Yorkshire Street. Seen here from the west, this bridge was later removed, as the branch line had become completely disused. On the left hand abutment can just be discerned a coat of arms, which was that of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway.
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 19 Aug 1970
0.10 miles
Bulwer Street, Rochdale, Lancashire
Taken from the junction with Corbett Street, (right). At the far end of Bulwer Street is a T-junction with South Street.
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 15 Sep 1979
0.11 miles
Corbett Street and Victoria Mill, Rochdale, Lancashire
Taken from the junction with Bulwer Street. The industrial building is the Victoria Mill, originally a cotton waste processing concern, but by 1979 being used for warehousing. At the slight kink in the road, the street name changes to Chestnut Place, which also bends round to the right at the end. The view further on of the house backs only became possible with the removal of the railway embankment, and these houses are on Oswald Street, (centre right) and Entwisle Road (far right).
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 15 Sep 1979
0.11 miles
Wardleworth Railway Station (Site of): 2007
The location of Wardleworth Railway Station which stood on the Rochdale to Bacup line (Closed in 1947)
Image: © Paul Hogg
Taken: 24 Nov 2007
0.11 miles
House backs, Ramsay Street and Corbett Street, Rochdale, Lancashire
Looking east from Bulwer Street, this shows the narrow lane dividing the backs of houses on Ramsay Street from those of the next street to the north, Corbett Street. The back lanes were wide enough for a tradesman's barrow, but not for a motor car usually.
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 15 Sep 1979
0.14 miles
Ramsay Street, Rochdale, Lancashire
Showing the north side of the street, east of the junction with Bulwer Street. It can be seen that some of these houses were life-expired in 1979 when this was taken.
Image: © Dr Neil Clifton
Taken: 15 Sep 1979
0.14 miles
Jalalia Jame mosque, Rochdale
This mosque, situated off Entwistle Rd, is in the heart of one of Rochdale's Bangladeshi communities.
Image: © michael ely
Taken: 25 Nov 2005
0.17 miles