Swanspool House, London Road
There is a plaque, set into the wall to the left of the main entrance gate, which reads “Swanspool House and gardens were presented to the town by P C Chamberlain Esq on the 10th June 1919”.
It is a grade II listed town house, which is now Wellingborough Council offices. At the rear there is a datestone bearing the date 1759; there have been some late 19th and 20th century alterations
Image: © John Baker
Taken: 15 Feb 2019
0.01 miles
Wellingborough: Swanspool House
Swanspool House is the Head Office building of the Borough Council of Wellingborough. Once a town house, it was gifted, along with its associated gardens, to the people of Wellingborough in 1919, so it is celebrating 100 years of civic use in 2019.
It is a Grade II Listed Building, and the rear has a datestone of 1759. Old large scale Ordnance Survey maps consistently show it as Swan's Pool up to its transfer to the Council.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 14 Jun 2019
0.01 miles
Wellingborough - Swanspool House
Contains the council chamber of the borough council.
Image: © Dave Bevis
Taken: 9 Jun 2012
0.02 miles
Wellingborough - house on Sheep Street
Behind the house with the check-pattern brickwork is The Golden Lion and Wellingborough's shopping mall.
Image: © Dave Bevis
Taken: 9 Jun 2012
0.03 miles
Wellingborough: 20 Sheep Street
This 3 storey building, with its chequered red and white brickwork, dates from the early 19th century. It was once a town house, but is currently occupied as offices by the Borough Council of Wellingborough. It is Grade II Listed.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 14 Jun 2019
0.04 miles
London Road, Wellingborough
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 13 Sep 2020
0.05 miles
Wellingborough: Ye Golden Lion
This building on Sheep Street was once a farmhouse, reputedly built circa 1540, and later converted into a public house, as the Golden Lion. The "Ye" is a more modern addition. It is a Grade II Listed Building. Old Victorian Ordnance Survey maps show that there was once a brewery directly behind it.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 14 Jun 2019
0.05 miles
Wellingborough: Swanspool Brook
Swanspool Brook is a tributary of the River Ise, and flows through the centre of Wellingborough. This is the view looking downstream from the downstream end of the culvert under Sheep Street / London Road.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 14 Jun 2019
0.06 miles
Wellingborough: Rose Cottage, 17 Sheep Street
Rose Cottage was reputedly built circa 1603, and was once a house, then a house and shop, and is now a solicitor's office. It is a Grade II Listed Building constructed using the local ironstone.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 14 Jun 2019
0.07 miles
Swangate Centre car park on Commercial Way
Image: © David Howard
Taken: 11 Jun 2017
0.08 miles