Rainwater garden, Ribblesdale Road
One of a series along the road. These small 'gardens' take the main run off from the road acting as natural filter beds and soakaways. They are planted with a variety of suitable plants, not very obviously so in this instance at this time of year. The gardens are intended to absorb run-off which otherwise would enter drains running into the Day Brook and which at times of heavy rain have resulted in the past in flooding of premises further downstream.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 26 Jan 2022
0.07 miles
Daybrook: Ribblesdale Road
Looking towards the Mansfield Road end of Ribblesdale Road from near the corner of Mossdale Road.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 25 Jun 2013
0.07 miles
Rainwater garden, Ribblesdale Road
One of a series along the road. These small 'gardens' take the main run off from the road acting as natural filter beds and soakaways. They are planted with a variety of suitable plants, not very obviously so in this instance at this time of year. The gardens are intended to absorb run-off which otherwise would enter drains running into the Day Brook and which at times of heavy rain have resulted in the past in flooding of premises further downstream.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 26 Jan 2022
0.08 miles
Bedale Road, 1949
This picture was taken by the then owner of the house, my uncle Harry Lees, a headmaster. It shows his mother, Helen, who had been widowed since the 1890s and lived with him until her death in the early 1950s. Compare this picture with
Image: © Sutton family album
Taken: Unknown
0.08 miles
Ribblesdale Road: twitchel to Valley Road
The path crosses Day Brook and the recreation ground, next to the bowling green.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 25 Jun 2013
0.08 miles
Bedale Road, 2013
Detached houses dating from the late 1930s and very typical of Nottingham's suburbs. Compare this picture with
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 25 Jun 2013
0.09 miles
Day Brook Recreation Ground, Nottingham NG5
Midway between the bowling greens (behind the photographer) and where this footpath begins (or ends), near the junction of Valley Road with Mansfield Road, the footpath crosses the brook.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 12 Jul 2014
0.09 miles
Day Brook Recreation Ground, Nottingham NG5
With the eastern-most entrance/exit to the park near to the junction of Mansfield Road and Valley Road 5 minutes walk away behind the photographer this is the view towards the midpoint of this long, thin (sausage-shaped) recreation ground. Several bowling greens lie 300-400 metres ahead on the other side of this cross-over point.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 12 Jul 2014
0.09 miles
Day Brook Recreation Ground, Nottingham NG5
With the eastern-most entrance/exit to the park near the junction of Mansfield Road and Valley Road no more than 5 minutes walk away behind the photographer, this is the view towards the midpoint of this long, thin (sausage-shaped) recreation ground. Several bowling greens lie 300-400 metres ahead on the other side of this cross-over point.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 12 Jul 2014
0.09 miles
The Day Brook in Valley Road Park
A section of the brook which shows the constrained watercourse typical of the whole length of the section between Mansfield Road and its junction with the River Leen before the creation of flood alleviation measures in the Park in the early 21st century.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 26 Jan 2022
0.09 miles