Haydn Road
Looking east from Hucknall Road towards Sherwood; early 20th century housing.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 15 Mar 2009
0.01 miles
Worn benchmark on wall of Haydn Avenue
Possible eroded Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark which is described on the Bench Mark Database at http://www.bench-marks.org.uk/bm35155.
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 10 Aug 2010
0.03 miles
The Hubb
Sadly, The Hubb, on Hucknall Road closed down after a fatal shooting incident in the car park. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-17797594
Image: © Neil Hill
Taken: 27 Mar 2013
0.06 miles
The Hubb
Renamed pub on Hucknall Road. It used to be called the Quorn and I'm fairly certain that it's a former Shipstone's house..
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 15 Mar 2009
0.07 miles
Nottingham - Bagthorpe
On the right-hand side of the descending A611 (Hucknall Rd) several new houses and a construction company advertising hoarding heralds the entrance/exit to a 'new build' housing development referred to as "Burlington Place" by Peveril Homes plc. This new estate has been developed on a brown field site that previously housed an industrial complex owned by Courtaulds Ltd, who were taken over by the Sara Lee Corporation.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 10 Mar 2012
0.07 miles
Hucknall Road, Nottingham
The Hucknall Road/Haydn Road crossroads are a few metres behind the photographer. Hucknall Road, i.e. the A611 stretches ahead in the direction of City Hospital. The two-storey 1930s block on the right was formerly a public house known as The Quorn Hotel and later as The Hubb public house and gig venue. Following the fatal stabbing of Malakai McKenzie in its car park in 2012 business fell away and eventually The Hubb closed. It was bought by a developer and in 2014-15 it was converted into a seven apartments. John Richard Townsend (1930-2013), an artist who was born in the suburb of Sherwood, NG5, studied at the Nottingham College of Art. He and his girlfriend, later his wife, spent some of their courting days, socialising in The Quorn in the 1930s. In 1970, Her Majesty The Queen commissioned a portrait of herself to be painted by Townsend and it now hangs in Nottingham Council Chambers. In August 2015 the apartment block was named Townsend House in his memory.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 13 Feb 2016
0.07 miles
Nottingham - Bagthorpe
View of the A611 (Hucknall Road) as it descends into the valley that is traversed by Haydn Road. It then ascends in the direction of the city centre. The area on the right-hand side of the picture is in the Berridge (local government) ward, whilst the area on the left lies within Sherwood ward.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 10 Mar 2012
0.07 miles
Hucknall Road, Nottingham
Built during the 1930s Townsend Court was initially a public house called The Quorn Hotel, and later The Hubb public house and gig venue. Its car park was the site of the fatal stabbing of Malakai McKenzie in 2012. Following its closure it was converted into an apartments block in 2014-15. John Richard Townsend (1930-2013), the Nottingham artist born in Sherwood NG5, studied at the Nottingham College of Art. He and his girlfriend - later his wife - spent some of their courting days, socialising in The Quorn in the 1930s. In 1970 Her Majesty The Queen commissioned a portrait of herself to be painted by Townsend which now hangs in Nottingham Council Chambers. The apartment block was named Townsend House in 2015 in his memory.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 13 Feb 2016
0.07 miles
Haydn Road from Hucknall Road junction
There is an OS benchmark
Image on a stone in the wall to the right of the road sign pole
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 9 Apr 2012
0.07 miles
Benchmark on wall of Haydn Road
Ordnance Survey 1962 cut mark benchmark described on the Bench Mark Database at http://www.bench-marks.org.uk/bm35156.
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 10 Aug 2010
0.07 miles