Cyprus Road, Mapperley Park
A typical street in Mapperley Park.
The Mapperley Park and Alexandra Park Conservation Area was first designated in July 1976 and extended in December 1976. This designation recognises its historic significance as an early Edwardian suburb built within a mature parkland setting. The large Conservation Area lies between Mansfield Road and Woodborough Road, extending to the east of Woodborough Road to include Alexandra Park, with its northern boundary generally defined by Private Road and its southern boundary defined by Mapperley Road.
Mapperley Park and Alexandra Park developed as an exclusive suburb for the Edwardian middle classes. Speculatively built and completed over a period of over fifty years, properties display a range of styles from the late 19th through to the mid 20th century. The Conservation Area includes many good quality examples of the range of Vernacular Revival styles that defined the late Victorian and Edwardian periods; with Gothic and other Victorian styles on the edges of the area contrasting with the more homely individualistic styles of the 20th century Vernacular Revival that comprise the core of the estate.
Image: © Kate Jewell
Taken: 3 Jan 2008
0.09 miles
Cyprus Road, Mapperley Park
Looking north along Cyprus Road. The junction with Ebers Road can be seen on the left, and that with Merrivale Court on the right, just at the end of the high Bulwell stone wall. The boundary with
Image is about where the white vans are. Cyprus road continues up the hill to join Mapperley Hall Drive.
Typical of the streets in the Mapperley Park and Alexandra Park Conservation Area, Cyprus Road is lined with trees and has houses that exhibit a wide range of Vernacular Revival styles that defined the late Victorian and Edwardian periods.
Image: © Kate Jewell
Taken: 3 Jan 2008
0.09 miles
Mapperley Park: Magdala Road
Magdala Road runs up the steep hill from Mansfield Road to Woodborough Road. Some of Nottingham's wealthiest Victorians and Edwardians built huge houses here, many with stables and coachmen's houses like the ones in this picture.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 17 Jun 2014
0.11 miles
Nottingham - NG3 (Mapperley Park)
Occupying a corner plot where Lucknow Drive joins Magdala Road (in the Alexandra Court/Woodborough Road area) is another house designed by Thomas Chambers Hine the Victorian Architect. He drew up the plans for this property, a private residence, in 1886 when he was 73 years old, 5 years shy of his retirement. Architecturally, this one has the shaped gables and decorative strapwork (i.e. patterns and moulding - in stone - on the exterior of the house) of Hine's Jacobean revival style. At present the property appears to be a retirement home.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 11 May 2012
0.12 miles
Houses on Mapperley Road
Some have been split into apartments and most have had loft conversions.
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 15 Jan 2016
0.12 miles
Benchmark on wall at Mapperley Road / Redcliffe Road junction
Ordnance Survey cut mark benchmark described on the Bench Mark Database at http://www.bench-marks.org.uk/bm47933
Image is a view of the junction from the other side of the wall pier.
Image: © Roger Templeman
Taken: 1 Apr 2013
0.13 miles
Town Boundary Post
At the junction of Mapperley Road and Redcliffe Road.
Image: © David Lally
Taken: 12 Jun 2009
0.13 miles
Boundary Marker, Redcliffe Road top
One of a pair of surviving Nottingham boundary markers on Redcliffe Road, dating from 1869. These were erected in relation to defining boundaries of Poor Law districts. Listed Grade II. Compared with the other http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3903440, only the office of Town Clerk has been picked out in white. See http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3903442 for location.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 18 Mar 2014
0.13 miles
A borough boundary marker
This cast-iron marker at the junction of Mapperley Road (left) and Redcliffe Road records boundary changes made in 1869 as Nottingham expanded northwards. The picture gives an idea of how steep Redcliffe Road is.
Image: © John Sutton
Taken: 15 Jun 2014
0.13 miles
Boundary marker at the junction of Mapperley Road and Redcliffe Road
Relates to changes to the boundaries of Nottingham in 1869. http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-457928-boundary-mark-at-junction-with-redcliffe#.VpoqElmWMnA
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 15 Jan 2016
0.13 miles