St.Denis' church east window
Memorial east window in the chancel of St.Denis' church to Rev.W.H.E.McKnight, by Christopher Whall in 1897, illustrating Christ holding the globe of the World surrounded by Angels holding symbols of his characters .... the redeemer, the good shepherd, the lamb of God, the judge and the conqueror of sin & death.
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 2 Apr 2015
0.03 miles
Snowy St Denis
The distinctive spire of Silk Willoughby's St Denis Church takes on a very Christmassy aspect. Viewed from the Four Seasons Garden centre car park.
Image: © Ian Paterson
Taken: 18 Dec 2009
0.04 miles
The Church of St Denis, Silk Willoughby
The church has its origins in the 12th century with the chancel being rebuilt in 1878. The church was restored in 1907-8.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 2 Oct 2010
0.04 miles
Lectern, The Church of St Denis
The lectern is in the shape of an eagle with its wings partly spread. It was carved by Mr Kingley McDermott in 1910. It stands on a three sided bases.
The eagle is a symbol of the resurrection or ascension of Christ due to the fact that it soars upwards. By extension, the eagle symbolises baptised Christians, who have symbolically died and risen with Christ.
The three sided base represents the Holy Trinity.
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 2 Oct 2010
0.04 miles
Chancel, St Denys' church Silk Willoughby
The chancel was rebuilt in 1878.
Image: © J.Hannan-Briggs
Taken: 8 Apr 2016
0.04 miles
Organ, St Denis' church, Silk Willoughby
Originally sited in the tower arch, built 1848 and replaced by a Cousans 'Premier' organ, originally foot blown with knee swell, now electric.
Single manual, no pedals 6 speaking stops.
Image: © J.Hannan-Briggs
Taken: 1 Apr 2012
0.04 miles
Piscina and Double Aumbry
Image: © J.Hannan-Briggs
Taken: 1 Apr 2012
0.04 miles
St.Denis' nave
Tall 14th century arcades looking east in St.Denis' church
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 2 Apr 2015
0.04 miles
Re-set 14th century triple sedilia in the 1878 chancel of St.Denis' church
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 2 Apr 2015
0.04 miles
East window, St Denis' church, Silk Willoughby
The east window is by Christopher Whall, from 1897.
The window depicts the central figure of Christ holding the global of world in which are marked the seven stars, the churches. He is surrounded by Angels. The left-hand light depicts the Redeemer, followed by the Good Shepherd (in pink), the Lamb of God (under Christ), fourth The Judge, and finally the Conqueror of Sin and Death. In the background are Saints and Angels.
Depicted in the bottom part of the window is the ram caught in the thicket and the lost sheep. Also shown are the sheep and goats, and the slain Dragon.
The tracery depicts the Heavenly City from the Revelation.
The window contains rich colours, including bright "gold pink".
Whall, a leading figure in the Arts and Crafts movement, entreated us to like the window, and referring to typical Victorian Stained Glass quoted "I know that in these days we are so cloyed with the even richness of plum pudding, laid on with a trowel with which the trade has spoilt our mental digestions that this is a thing which requires some pleading for".
The window is in memory of Rev W. McKnight, and cost £310 raised by public subscription.
Image: © Julian P Guffogg
Taken: 8 Apr 2016
0.04 miles