Doorways, 19 & 20 Northumberland Square, North Shields
These two properties form part of a symmetrical terrace, Numbered 12-20 (consecutively), Northumberland Square, all of which are Grade II Listed. Built around 1810, these two particular properties both still have six-panelled doors with fanlights in classical doorcases. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 16 Feb 2021
0.00 miles
25 Northumberland Square, North Shields
This former Victorian terraced dwelling, now used as an office, underwent a full re-fronting many years ago, consisting of an elevation
of polished black granite; a well-informed, high quality and rare Art
Deco inspired composition. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 16 Feb 2021
0.03 miles
16 Northumberland Square, North Shields
Built around 1810, this property is one of a group of four Grade II Listed buildings https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6755439, last used as offices, which have recently been renovated and converted to a number of luxury apartments. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 16 Feb 2021
0.04 miles
13-16 Northumberland Square, North Shields
Built around 1810, these four Grade II Listed buildings, last used as offices, have recently been renovated and converted to a number of luxury apartments. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 16 Feb 2021
0.04 miles
Northumberland Square, North Shields
A very elegant garden square near the centre of North Shields.
Image: © Oliver Dixon
Taken: 28 Mar 2012
0.05 miles
'Wooden Dolly', Northumberland Square, North Shields
A life-size sculpture of a fisher-woman carrying a basket, wearing a traditional shawl and full skirts represents the old North Shields tradition of the Wooden Dolly. There have been 'dollies' at various locations in the town for over 200 years
The one standing here was carved in oak in 1958 by Robert Thompson Ltd. of Kilburn, Yorkshire, traditional furniture makers and craftsmen famous for their trademark of an often concealed small wooden mouse
It replaced an earlier version erected here in 1902.
Image: © Andrew Curtis
Taken: 28 Jul 2013
0.05 miles
'Wooden Dolly', Northumberland Square, North Shields
See description here
Image: © Andrew Curtis
Taken: 28 Jul 2013
0.05 miles
'Wooden Dolly', Northumberland Square, North Shields
This is the fifth wooden dolly to have been erected in North Shields but the first to be located in Northumberland Square. It was erected in 1958 and was based on the fourth wooden dolly, a lifelike representation of a traditional Cullercoats fishwife with her shawl and creel. It was carved from a single piece of mahogany by the celebrated sculptor and furniture maker Robert 'Mouseman' Thompson and features two of the artist's signature concealed mice. However, by 2019, the dolly was showing serious signs of rot, and was therefore transported to the 'Mouseman' workshop in Kilburn, North Yorkshire, where it was originally carved, for restoration. In September 2020, the restored wooden dolly, seen here, was returned to Northumberland Square where it can now be admired. The sixth wooden dolly, which appeared in 1992, can be seen on the Custom House Quay site where the first four wooden dollies were located https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3582630. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 26 Nov 2020
0.06 miles
Northumberland Close, North Shields
These luxury new-build townhouses are situated on Northumberland Close, North Shields and form part of the prestigious Northumberland Square development. They lie between Northumberland Square and Albion Road on a street formerly known as Upper Camden Street. For a selection of detailed free to download walking routes in the area visit www.northtynesidewalks.co.uk
Image: © Geoff Holland
Taken: 16 Feb 2021
0.06 miles
Upper Camden Street, North Shields
The tower of Christ Church is visible at the end of the road.
Image: © Andrew Curtis
Taken: 28 Jul 2013
0.06 miles