Shops in St Anselm Road, North Shields
Inferno (on the left) is a tanning parlour and beauty salon. After a session there, you can visit Canatrice the baker next door, or if in a hurry, pop into Bev's Light Bites next to the baker. The other two units are a One Stop convenience store and Oasis Hair Design studio.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.17 miles
St Aidan's Church, Billy Mill
Located on the B1316, Billy Mill Lane, and with a church hall alongside. The church is in the parish of St. George, Cullercoats.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.19 miles
St Aidan's Church, Billy Mill
Image: © Bill Henderson
Taken: 10 Jun 2012
0.20 miles
Mystery building
This small windowless building stands on a grass verge between Billy Mill Lane (in the background) and Barnstaple Road (in the foreground). It is fitted with a television-type aerial, and has a telegraph pole close to it, with a number of wires going off in various directions. I thought it may be a telephone exchange, but I am advised that this is unlikely. It would seem more probable that it has some purpose connected with the nearby underground reservoirs. Further suggestions gratefully received!
Update, Jan. 2021: I have received a message from a gentleman who lived locally to this little building. He tells me that he was taken into it on a school visit in the 1960s as a pupil at a nearby school. He says, "The building certainly has to do with the nearby reservoirs - or did have. It was full of meters and dials and those moving pen things that scratch lines on moving graph paper! All to do with the flowing of water at the nearby reservoirs - which I believe are now redundant as housing is being built over them!"
Apparently younger children called it "the fairies' house".
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.20 miles
Building at Billy Mill reservoir
The reservoirs here are underground. The building pictured is in Whitehouse Lane, and is dated 1901.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.21 miles
St Aidan's House, Billy Mill
Located in Billy Mill Lane, St Aidan's House is a retirement home operated by Anchor Trust.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.21 miles
Entering New York
On the A191.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 13 Feb 2024
0.22 miles
Quite a transformation!
Presumably built originally as a church, when this building was photographed by Bill Henderson in 2007, it was a Lighthouse Christian Centre (see
Image). Today, with some alterations to the windows and doors, and doubtlessly to the interior, it serves as a local practice for Vets 4 Pets.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.23 miles
St Thomas More RC High School, Billy Mill
Established in 1988, the school faces the B1316, Billy Mill Lane. It is an 11-18 mixed comprehensive and specialist Maths and Computing school serving the Catholic population of North Tyneside. There are over 1700 pupils on roll, including more than 350 students post-16.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 2 Aug 2011
0.23 miles
St Thomas More High School, Billy Mill
Image: © Alan Fearon
Taken: 15 Dec 2005
0.23 miles