Inside the Grainger Market, Newcastle upon Tyne
Grainger Arcade, one part of the John Dobson designed, grade 1 listed Grainger Market.
Image: © Graham Robson
Taken: 30 Jul 2012
0.00 miles
Vegetable Market, Clayton Street, Newcastle
The iron and glass roof is a 1901 replacement of John Dobson's original timber and glass ("very defective" by 1898).
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 14 Aug 2012
0.00 miles
Inside the General Weigh House in the Grainger Market, Newcastle
Here a customer gets their weight taken. The scales are very accurate and sensitive (as opposed to most people's own bathroom scales for example) and allow for a high degree of certainty when weighing anything. There is a small or nominal charge involved. Some 50p I think.
This customer is asking questions of the weigh house operative and an in-depth conversation in two of the local dialects ensues; the operative in broad Geordie and the customer in broad 'sand dancer' or South Shields accent. I simply could not understand a single word. They might as well have been talking Swahili or Punjabi - in fact it sounded as if they were. Both employed facial expressions, hand signals and body language to add further emphasis to the points they each made, which, if anything, added to the impenetrability of the conversation.
Anyway, the upshot of the exchange was that the customer has lost some weight and seemed happy with the outcome. The operative was, I am sure, relieved that the customer didn't take up any more of his time and left happy and ready to engage with the rest of their day. The customer, that is, not the operative, who remained in situ, ready to deal with fresh members of the great British public. Not a task or role suited to everyone!
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 8 Jul 2023
0.00 miles
Grainger Market
Image: © Andrew Curtis
Taken: 24 Mar 2010
0.01 miles
Grainger Market
For info about the market, see its website http://www.graingermarket.org.uk/ .
Image: © Mike Quinn
Taken: 24 Jun 2014
0.01 miles
Clock in Grainger Market
The location of this clock is shown in
Image: © Mike Quinn
Taken: 24 Jun 2014
0.01 miles
Grainger Market (2)
Shows the location of
Image: © Mike Quinn
Taken: 24 Jun 2014
0.01 miles
Grainger Market (3)
Image: © Mike Quinn
Taken: 24 Jun 2014
0.01 miles
The General Weigh House inside the Grainger Market, Newcastle
A weigh house allows anyone to come in and get their weight taken accurately. It was used by stallholders to ensure their stock and supplies were accurate too I understand, to ensure that they complied with weights and measures legislation I assume.
Image: © Jeremy Bolwell
Taken: 8 Jul 2023
0.01 miles
Grainger Market
View from the Nelson Street entrance of 'Alley Number 4' in the Grainger Market. When opened in 1835 it was considered to be the most spacious and magnificent market in Europe.
Image: © Peter McDermott
Taken: 6 Jan 2008
0.01 miles