Walkden Cricket Club - Pavilion
The pavilion at Walkden CC. The club run two teams in the Bolton Cricket League.
Image: © BatAndBall
Taken: 1 May 2013
0.01 miles
Walkden Cricket Club - Ground
The Oval off Harriet Street, the ground of Walkden CC.
Image: © BatAndBall
Taken: 1 May 2013
0.02 miles
Walkden Cricket Club - Scoreboard
The scoreboard at Walkden CC.
Image: © BatAndBall
Taken: 1 May 2013
0.05 miles
Walkden Town Centre front
The town centre has recently undergone refurbishment. The unit in this picture is still vacant amongst many other units in The Ellesmere Centre, where there is currently a large 170000 square foot Tesco anchor store.
Image: © Bradley Michael
Taken: 5 Aug 2015
0.11 miles
Ellesmere Shopping Centre - Walkden
Image: © Anthony Parkes
Taken: 7 May 2018
0.17 miles
Flats in Fereday Street
Image: © Kim Fyson
Taken: 28 Jul 2007
0.20 miles
The Adventure Play Area, Blackleach Country Park
Blackleach Country Park is in what used to be an old industrial area of Walkden, half a mile north of the town centre. Over the last decade or so, the area has been transformed from a derelict site, badly polluted from its former industrial use; in particular, by a chemical factory producing dyes with an adjacent chemical waste heap known locally as 'Stink Bomb Hill' because of the strong sulphurous smell that came off it.
Trees and bushes have now replaced the derelict buildings. Grass and flowers cover what was the toxic waste heap. The rubbish filled reservoir is now a lake with plenty of fish and water birds.
The park was officially designated as a Local Nature Reserve in 2004.
http://www.salford.gov.uk/blackleach.htm Salford City Council
http://www.bbc.co.uk/manchester/content/articles/2008/05/15/friends_blackleach_country_park_feature.shtml BBC Manchester - Park Life
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackleach_Country_Park Wikipedia
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 5 May 2012
0.21 miles
The High Point, Blackleach Country Park
106 metres above sea level, this is one of the highest places in Salford and has been named "The High Point". The information boards also claim that it is one of the best vantage points in the city and provide photographs and information on the features (which should be) visible. Unfortunately, as the trees have matured, most of the sights are now obscured. Still, the bench makes a good place to rest for a few minutes.
Blackleach Country Park is in what used to be an old industrial area of Walkden, half a mile north of the town centre. Over the last decade or so, the area has been transformed from a derelict site, badly polluted from its former industrial use; in particular, by a chemical factory producing dyes with an adjacent chemical waste heap known locally as 'Stink Bomb Hill' because of the strong sulphurous smell that came off it.
Trees and bushes have now replaced the derelict buildings. Grass and flowers cover what was the toxic waste heap. The rubbish filled reservoir is now a lake with plenty of fish and water birds.
The park was officially designated as a Local Nature Reserve in 2004.
http://www.salford.gov.uk/blackleach.htm Salford City Council
http://www.bbc.co.uk/manchester/content/articles/2008/05/15/friends_blackleach_country_park_feature.shtml BBC Manchester - Park Life
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackleach_Country_Park Wikipedia
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 5 May 2012
0.21 miles
Bulls Head, Walkden
Looking spick and span in the afternoon sunshine, this hostelry in the town centre seems to have been recently refurbished.
Image: © philandju
Taken: 1 Feb 2012
0.21 miles
Image: © Peter McDermott
Taken: 23 Jun 2019
0.22 miles