Greenheys, Ducie Arms
Public house off Lloyd Street North, much improved since the photographer's 1970s student days! Internally Victorian atmosphere, with two smaller lower rooms, and bar area up steps; back counter, eating and drinking front; elaborate woodwork back. Cask ale on offer: Brakspear Gold.
Image: © Mike Faherty
Taken: 7 Feb 2019
0.00 miles
Stephen Joseph Studio (Wright St German Protestant Church, Greenheys)
The Stephen Joseph Studio, also known as the German Protestant Church, is part of the University of Manchester and is in the old district of Greenheys. It used to lie on Wright Street, a street which no longer exists as it was redeveloped ca 1955.
The church was founded in 1853; prior to the First World War the number of worshippers is said to have been between 300 and 350, the average number of christenings and marriages each year being eleven and three respectively between 1855 and 1914. According to the University’s The Directorate of Estates and Facilities http://man-estates-fs5.ds.man.ac.uk/PSU/Building_Information/Building_Info.aspx?StrBL_ID=024AA&CampID=S10 , the present building was erected in 1900.
The pastor was recalled to Germany a few months before the declaration of war and his deputy worked only a few months longer. As the congregation dispersed, the Church only just managed to retain its rights and status through the war and it took the Church community several years to come to life again after the war. Since then the Deutsche Evangelische Kirche, as it is now known has suffered long periods without its own minister, sharing the services of pastor with Liverpool and Bradford although a new church building was consecrated in Stretford in 1963. (http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/LAN/MossSide/WrightStGermanProtestant.shtml Genuki)
The building’s main entrance lies on the west side, with a side entrance on the north. The east side features a rose window. The building houses seven lecture rooms, with space for up to 179 students. It is named after Stephen Joseph, who is credited with promoting the concept of "theatre in the round"; in 1962 he converted an abandoned cinema in Stoke-on-Trent into the Victoria Theatre, the first permanent theatre-in-the-round in the UK. In 1962 he was appointed as the first fellow of the Department of Drama at Manchester University. He later took up a lectureship at the university and was instrumental in helping to create the department of drama.
Since the late 1970s the Mansfield Cooper Building has stood to the south-west.
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 25 Feb 2015
0.05 miles
Former Greenheys German Protestant Church (Stephen Joseph Studio)
The Stephen Joseph Studio, also known as the German Protestant Church, is part of the University of Manchester and is in the old district of Greenheys. It used to lie on Wright Street, a street which no longer exists as it was redeveloped ca 1955.
The church was founded in 1853; prior to the First World War the number of worshippers is said to have been between 300 and 350, the average number of christenings and marriages each year being eleven and three respectively between 1855 and 1914. According to the University’s The Directorate of Estates and Facilities http://man-estates-fs5.ds.man.ac.uk/PSU/Building_Information/Building_Info.aspx?StrBL_ID=024AA&CampID=S10 , the present building was erected in 1900.
The pastor was recalled to Germany a few months before the declaration of war and his deputy worked only a few months longer. As the congregation dispersed, the Church only just managed to retain its rights and status through the war and it took the Church community several years to come to life again after the war. Since then the Deutsche Evangelische Kirche, as it is now known has suffered long periods without its own minister, sharing the services of pastor with Liverpool and Bradford although a new church building was consecrated in Stretford in 1963. (http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/LAN/MossSide/WrightStGermanProtestant.shtml Genuki)
The building’s main entrance lies on the west side, with a side entrance on the north. The east side features a rose window. The building houses seven lecture rooms, with space for up to 179 students. It is named after Stephen Joseph, who is credited with promoting the concept of "theatre in the round"; in 1962 he converted an abandoned cinema in Stoke-on-Trent into the Victoria Theatre, the first permanent theatre-in-the-round in the UK. In 1962 he was appointed as the first fellow of the Department of Drama at Manchester University. He later took up a lectureship at the university and was instrumental in helping to create the department of drama.
Since the late 1970s the Mansfield Cooper Building has stood to the south-west.
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 25 Feb 2015
0.05 miles
Greenheys, AQA
Examinations board offices on Cecil Street: https://www.aqa.org.uk/about-us Once known locally as the Thrupenny Bit because of its polygonal design.
Image: © Mike Faherty
Taken: 7 Feb 2019
0.05 miles
Bee in the City #66 BZZX!!
Part of the Bee in the City sculpture trail, BZZX!! was sponsored by Manchester Science Partnerships and stands at Manchester Science Park outside the Bright Building (
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 31 Jul 2018
0.06 miles
The Bright Building, Manchester Science Park
Opened in 2017, The Bright Building is Manchester Science Partnerships' flagship building (https://mspl.co.uk/campuses/manchester-science-park/bright-building/ MSP). BZZX!!, one of the Bee in the City sculptures is standing outside the entrance when this photograph was taken. See
Image] for a closer look at the bee.
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 31 Jul 2018
0.07 miles
Greenheys, Bright Building
University of Manchester building on Science Park, Lloyd Street North: https://mspl.co.uk/campuses/manchester-science-park/bright-building/
Image: © Mike Faherty
Taken: 7 Feb 2019
0.07 miles
Former JEB Building, Dilworth Street, Manchester
Octagonal with a shallow roof topped by a lantern. By Playne & Lacey, 1962, for the Joint Examination Board, and now occupied by exam board the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 15 May 2012
0.07 miles
Manchester Science Park
Image: © Peter McDermott
Taken: 28 Apr 2020
0.07 miles
Ellen Wilkinson Building, Brisbane Street, Manchester
H-shaped, in bush-hammered brown concrete. The windows are set back behind a projecting frame. By Building Design Partnership, 1961-67. The abstract relief on the end wall is by William Mitchell.
Named after the Mancunian Minister of Education in Attlee's Government, the building is home to a number of the University of Manchester's humanities disciplines including education, occupational health and speech pathology.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 15 May 2012
0.08 miles