Field edge near Worsdell's Mill
The buildings are associated with the former windmill.
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 11 Aug 2015
0.07 miles
Old buses
Old buses off Grantham Road near the disused mill at Waddington
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 2 Feb 2007
0.08 miles
Bus stop outside bungalows in Waddington, by A607
Image: © David Smith
Taken: 18 Sep 2018
0.10 miles
Worsdell's Mill, Waddington
Built in 1820, this replaced a post mill. It worked until c.1908 and then was left to become derelict. The two remaining sails were removed in 1927 and the upper part of the tower was pulled down early in the war because of its proximity to an airfield. It now stands disused as a derelict shell. There were four patent sails driving three pairs of stones, two grey and one French.
Image: © Andy Stephenson
Taken: 11 Nov 2015
0.10 miles
Worsedell's Old windmill
Built in 1820, this replaced a post mill. It worked until c.1908 and then was left to become derelict. The two remaining sails were removed in 1927 and the upper part of the tower was pulled down early in the war because of its proximity to an airfield. It now stands disused as a derelict shell. There were four patent sails driving three pairs of stones, two grey and one French. (From LCC website)
Image: © J.Hannan-Briggs
Taken: 10 Jul 2011
0.11 miles
Worsdell's Mill, Waddington
On the Viking Way. Description from Lincolnshire County Council website reads: “Built in 1820, this replaced a post mill. It worked until c.1908 and then was left to become derelict. The two remaining sails were removed in 1927 and the upper part of the tower was pulled down early in the war because of its proximity to an airfield. It now stands disused as a derelict shell. There were four patent sails driving three pairs of stones, two grey and one French”.
Image: © Tim Heaton
Taken: 23 Aug 2013
0.11 miles
Worsdell's Mill
Just part of the shell of the building remains, all equipment and internal features have gone.
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 11 Aug 2015
0.12 miles
Grantham Road, Waddington
Buildings in Waddington are noticeably different from the traditional ancient limestone common in all the other villages nearby. Much of it was built during and after WWII, partly to serve the large RAF base there, and partly to replace buildings damaged in enemy raids targeting the airfield. The airfield itself played a large role as a bomber base during WWII, and more recently as a V-bomber base, but is now the home of AWACS early warning planes
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 5 Aug 2014
0.12 miles
Worsdell's Mill, Waddington
Little remains of Worsdell's Mill on the route of the Viking Way just south of Waddington.
Image: © Matthew Smith
Taken: 13 Mar 2007
0.15 miles
Bus on Millers Road, Waddington
A bus waits on Millers Road in Waddington before returning to Lincoln city centre via Brant Road. A more direct service to the city is provided by route 1, which is the main route between Lincoln and Grantham.
Image: © Richard Vince
Taken: 3 Mar 2012
0.15 miles