The Black Horse Inn, 26 High Street, Ingham
White's directory of 1856 lists 'Maltby Henry, sawyer and beerhs' (a sawyer saws timber but beerhs?). After 1868 and before 1872 he is 'joiner & vict. Black Horse' until after 1889. It probably became a pub in 1869 when laws sort to control the volume of the Beerhouses established with the 1830 Act. 1896 James Cottingham is listed here and 1905-1909 Henry Rayson, 1913-1919 John Miles Lester. The 1885 OS map shows a pub with the same High Street footprint as existing without the rear extensions. Reputedly the Black Horse was a watering hole for Guy Gibson (of Dam Busters fame) who was based at Scampton March to June 1938.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 30 Mar 2021
0.05 miles
The Black Horse
Popular hostelry in Ingham
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 26 Jul 2008
0.06 miles
Cottages and Methodist Chapel in Ingham
Like most Cliff-edge villages Ingham is built both in brick and stone.
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 13 Jul 2011
0.09 miles
Ingham Village School
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 13 Jul 2014
0.10 miles
The Bell Tower at Ingham Village School
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 13 Jul 2014
0.10 miles
High Street, Ingham
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 19 May 2018
0.10 miles
Ingham Primary School and attached school house, The Green, Ingham
Grade II Listed school and school house of 1851. According to its website the school "came into being" in April 1878 and has had only 7 permanent Head Teachers up to early 2021. White's Directory of Lincolnshire 1856 states "The school was built in 1851, by subscription". However Kelly's Directory of Lincolnshire 1919 states "Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1878, at a cost of £1,700, for 100 children; Job Bird, master". In 1947 the school leaving age was raised to 15 necessitating the first extension of the accommodation with the provision of a temporary classroom and the then village hall was also in regular use. A new school was mooted in 1970 but it was not until extensions in the 1980s that the hall, for both school and community use, was provided.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 30 Mar 2021
0.10 miles
The Inn on the Green, 34 The Green, Ingham
Late 18th or early 19th century Grade II Listed public house. Once known as the Generous Briton, set in the brick bar is a Headstone dating back to 1820. In 1856 White’s lists two victuallers in Ingham at the Wind Mill and the Sun. In 1872 it indicates the Windmill is ‘Cliff’ its current location. Mrs Martha Hodgson is listed as ‘beerhouse’ and Henry Maltby (‘sawyer and beerhs’ in 1856) is now the Black Horse victualler. A ‘beer retailer’ is listed in all the directories I have up to 1919 leading me to suspect this to be, up to then, the unnamed Generous Briton, an Ale House since at least 1856. In 1985 the pub was revamped to a food-led pub and renamed to The Inn on the Green. Under new ownership in 2005 it was incorporated as a limited company in 2009.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 30 Mar 2021
0.11 miles
Ordnance Survey Cut Mark
This OS cut mark can be found on the SE face of the Chapel. It marks a point 35.131m above mean sea level.
Image: © Adrian Dust
Taken: 22 Jul 2017
0.11 miles
Ingham Village Hall
Image: © Ian S
Taken: 13 Jul 2014
0.11 miles