47 Eastgate, Louth
A 3-storey building which dates from the early 19th century, with a more modern shop inserted to the ground floor. It was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101359883-47-eastgate-louth#.Y96XDHbP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1359883 in 1974.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 23 Jul 2022
0.03 miles
Louth, Eastgate
Electric Palace opened in 1909.
The 1931 Kinematograph Year Book lists the proprietor and manager as E. E. Roberts. Advertising “Pictures and Variety”, it had a stage that was 15ft by 30ft. By that time the cinema had been renamed the Palace Theatre. By 1937 when it closed, it had reverted back to the Electric Palace name.
Image: © Andrew Riley
Taken: 5 Oct 2017
0.03 miles
63 Eastgate, Louth
Stevenson's Fruit & Veg business (established 1878) currently occupies no 63 Eastgate, which is a late 18th or early 19th century building, with a rather more recent shopfront. It was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101165907-63-eastgate-louth#.Y96DHXbP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1165907 in 1974.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 23 Jul 2022
0.03 miles
61 Eastgate, Louth
Built in 1851, and described as 'elaborate' in its 1974 Grade II listing https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101063259-61-eastgate-louth#.Y96V33bP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1063259 The shopfront is rather more modern.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 23 Jul 2022
0.03 miles
Eastgate, Louth
Image: © Colin Park
Taken: 21 Sep 2013
0.03 miles
Ye Olde White Swanne in Eastgate
Image: © John Firth
Taken: 7 Jul 2010
0.03 miles
Shops at Louth
Looking up the street towards the Market Square.
Image: © roger geach
Taken: 21 Apr 2010
0.03 miles
The Olde Whyte Swanne 45 Eastgate Louth
Grade II Listed public house that claims to be 'founded 1612' and the oldest pub in Louth although as late as 1953 it was called just 'The White Swan'. The age of the pub seems to be substantiated as it appears to be referred to in an Archdeacon's visit in 1612 as the "sign of the swan". At this time the leading innkeepers where named Price, Boddington and Kilborne. In 1861 the Landlord was John Thorpe, in 1891 Joseph Ryley and by 1901 it was Henry Brown. Brian Best (‘Besty behind the bar’) ran the pub from 1981 to 1986 with his wife Mary. The current (2013) proprietor is listed as D Grantham. In 1869 presumably at the end of John Thorpe's tenure an advert informs us that the old well accustomed Pub known as the White Swan Inn was to let. It had its own brewery at the back, a large club room, good stabling and a lock-up coach house. The pub is reputedly haunted and they used to stop people sitting in the seat right next to the fireplace, beneath the window, saying that was the ghost’s seat.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 29 May 2011
0.03 miles
The Pack Horse Inn, Louth
The inn/pub now seems to be mainly based at the far end of the row, with late 19th century shopfronts inserted in the parts to the right; the upper floors are quite possibly still part of the hotel. The whole building dates from around 1750, that date being inscribed within the coach entrance at the far end, and was Grade II listed https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101359884-the-pack-horse-inn-louth#.Y96Ae3bP3IU & https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1359884 in 1974.
Image: © Richard Law
Taken: 23 Jul 2022
0.03 miles
Louth Town Hall
Grand Italianate Town Hall by Pearson Bellamy in 1854, said to resemble an annexe to the Vatican
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 27 Jun 2007
0.04 miles