The Continuing Learning Centre of Liverpool University
This building stands on the corner of Mount Pleasant and Hope Street, facing the Metropolitan Cathedral.
Image: © Eric Jones
Taken: 18 Sep 2008
0.02 miles
14-30 Oxford Street, Liverpool
A late-Georgian terrace, c1820, of two-bay houses, each with an arched doorcase flanked by Doric columns. The familiar local motif of painted wedge lintels is also in evidence. Grade II listed.
It has been colonised by the University of Liverpool.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 28 Jul 2011
0.03 miles
The Metropolitan Cathedral
With a nice cafe/restaurant to the right of steps.
Image: © alan fairweather
Taken: 3 Oct 2006
0.03 miles
View in front of the RC Cathedral
Image: © Alan Heardman
Taken: 18 Sep 2012
0.03 miles
The garden of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Liverpool
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 9 Sep 2017
0.04 miles
Still Point
Still Point - a new work of art by Susanna Heron, who was given the opportunity to create it adjacent to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool. Architects Hogben & Hale worked with the artist to realise this work which is located within the newly landscaped garden in the lea of the Cathedral near the main entrance. The site enables a range of views, both from above and via a descending path. Like a pool of water the work is sited at the lowest level of the garden. A circular stone platform, 17.5 metres in diameter, is constructed from large stones of hammered grey and smooth black Indian granite. The flat surface is cut to an organic circular drawing which originated as a small charcoal drawing on paper taking the centre as its meditative focus. The black stone is water jet cut into the grey stone. 72 no. 350mm thick Karin grey edge blocks form the circumference of the piece enclosing thinner slabs. The stone is supported by a reinforced concrete raft that rests on the ground. The architects and artist worked closely with stone mason, William Taylor Masonry, to develop the piece. http://clippings.com/projects/liverpool-metropolitan-cathedral-garden-art-46689 http://www.susannaheron.com/details20.htm
In the background can be seen the Centre for Lifelong Learning of the University of Liverpool. http://www.liv.ac.uk/cll/
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 25 Jul 2012
0.04 miles
Cambridge Court
Student accommodation, University of Liverpool.
Image: © Richard Webb
Taken: 26 Dec 2017
0.05 miles
Metropolitan Cathedral underground car park entrance
The entrance off Mount Pleasant to the underground car park beneath the Metropolitan Cathedral. I cannot think of another Cathedral with such a facility in the UK.
"There is an underground car park which is open to all visitors from 8.00am – 6.00pm daily. There are also spaces for disabled drivers which are clearly marked. Parking charges are £1.00 for 1 hour; £2.00 for 2 hours; £5.00 all day to 6.00pm" http://www.liverpoolmetrocathedral.org.uk/content/Visitus.aspx
Image: © David P Howard
Taken: 25 Jul 2012
0.05 miles
A Thing in Liverpool, 1988
There were several of these around the streets at the time, all empty - I supposed they were intended to hold floral displays. This one stood near the bell tower of the Metropolitan Cathedral (in its pre-approach-steps days).
Image: © Keith Edkins
Taken: 4 Jun 1988
0.05 miles
Bedford House, Oxford Street, Liverpool
Built 1965-66 to the designs of Gerald Beech. Very 1960s above its brick ground floor.
Originally a club for non-academic staff, it now houses offices of the University of Liverpool.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 28 Jul 2011
0.05 miles