Construction site, Myrtle Street
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 5 Sep 2016
0.06 miles
Liverpool: The Chatham Building, University of Liverpool
The Grade II listed Chatham Building in Chatham Street is now the home of the University's School of Management with a £10 million modern extension behind it. The building was originally a chapel dating from 1865. The contrast with other buildings in this grid square such as
Image is quite remarkable.
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 18 Feb 2007
0.08 miles
Chatham Building extension, University of Liverpool
This extension is mentioned in
Image and houses the University's Management School, including its eBusiness Research Centre.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 17 Jul 2006
0.08 miles
Cycleway in Myrtle Street
Image: © Raymond Knapman
Taken: 20 Sep 2010
0.08 miles
190-194 Grove Street, Liverpool
Three early C19th houses, each of two bays in three storeys plus basement. The windows have wedge lintels, a common motif in Liverpool's Georgian houses. Grade II listed.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.09 miles
142-172 Chatham Street, Liverpool
A good uniform early C19th terrace, although the first few houses are two bays wide while the rest have three bays each. Round-arched doorcases (
Image]). Grade II listed.
Liverpool's Georgian quarter was laid out by John Foster senior, the Corporation Surveyor, in 1800. He established an attractive network of wide streets which were later filled with handsome brick terraces, mainly of three-storey houses of two or three bays with doorcases of varying styles and windows with painted wedge lintels. Cavalier treatment of the area by the city council for many decades, resulting in the demolition of many listed Georgian buildings, some of which were owned by the council itself, has been reversed over the last decade or so, and Liverpool can still boast one of the most outstanding arrays of Georgian buildings anywhere in the country.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.09 miles
Detail of 170 Chatham Street, Liverpool
Example of one of the radial fanlights found on this terrace:
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.09 miles
The Law School, Chatham Street, Liverpool
One of four bold buildings for the University of London by Bryan & Norman Westwood, Piet & Partners, 1961-66. The upper storey is clad in close-knit concrete fins.
Two of the others:
Image] and
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 28 Jul 2011
0.10 miles
Chatham Building, Chatham Street, Liverpool
Not exactly a refined facade, but its exuberance charms. Built 1860-61 by Oliver & Lamb as a Welsh Presbyterian Chapel. Italianate, with giant Corinthian pilasters, pediment and "grotesque" bellcote. Grade II listed.
It is now part of the University of Liverpool.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 28 Jul 2011
0.11 miles
2-14 Falkner Square, Liverpool
This terrace is broken up by canted bays, strict Georgian regularity having dissipated. Built c1840, perhaps to the designs of William Culshaw. Grade II listed.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.11 miles