Detail of 64 Rodney Street, Liverpool
Many of the street's Georgian doorcases are grand affairs, but here is an economy version. It is smaller, has simple columns without a full entablature and a plain fanlight. The circular door panel is interesting.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 12 Jun 2015
0.01 miles
62 Rodney Street, Liverpool
One of the grandest houses on this well-preserved street, the highlight of the city's Georgian Quarter. It was built for John Gladstone in 1792-93 (William was born here), possibly to the designs of John Whiteside Casson. It may have been partly re-built which would account for the variation in brick. Grade II* listed.
Liverpool's Georgian quarter was laid out by John Foster senior, the Corporation Surveyor, in 1800. He established an attractive network of wide streets which were later filled with handsome brick terraces, mainly of three-storey houses of two or three bays with doorcases of varying styles and windows with painted wedge lintels. Cavalier treatment of the area by the city council for many decades, resulting in the demolition of many listed Georgian buildings, some of which were owned by the council itself, has been reversed over the last decade or so, and Liverpool can still boast one of the most outstanding arrays of Georgian buildings anywhere in the country.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 12 Jun 2015
0.01 miles
Detail of 62 Rodney Street, Liverpool
Imposing pedimented doorcase, the frieze decorated with swags and urns.
Full view:
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 12 Jun 2015
0.01 miles
Detail of 56-58 Rodney Street, Liverpool
Relatively simple paired doorcases with fanlights and slender Tuscan columns.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 12 Jun 2015
0.02 miles
Liverpool: northward view from cathedral tower
Looking across the northern end of the roof of the Anglican cathedral from the top of its tower. The most prominent street below us is Rodney Street, while the Catholic cathedral makes an appearance at the extreme top-right.
Image: © Chris Downer
Taken: 21 Apr 2011
0.02 miles
35-49 Rodney Street, Liverpool
One of many excellent sequences lining this well-preserved street (shockingly there is a Victorian interloper in this stretch), the highlight of the city's Georgian Quarter, "all the more enjoyable for the constant fidgeting of the building lines". An early development, it was laid out in 1783-84 by William Roscoe and others. It is peppered with good details including many good doorcases (e.g.
Image]). Grade II listed.
Liverpool's Georgian quarter was laid out by John Foster senior, the Corporation Surveyor, in 1800. He established an attractive network of wide streets which were later filled with handsome brick terraces, mainly of three-storey houses of two or three bays with doorcases of varying styles and windows with painted wedge lintels. Cavalier treatment of the area by the city council for many decades, resulting in the demolition of many listed Georgian buildings, some of which were owned by the council itself, has been reversed over the last decade or so, and Liverpool can still boast one of the most outstanding arrays of Georgian buildings anywhere in the country.
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.02 miles
Knight Street, Liverpool
Looking along Knight Street towards its junction with Roscoe Street. On the end wall of #43 facing the camera there is an old advertising board for 'Joseph Glover Plumbers Decorators & General Contractors'. Joseph Glover is recorded on the 1901 census at 39 Knight Street, which is the third house in the terrace of three.
Image: © John S Turner
Taken: 29 May 2010
0.02 miles
39-43 Knight Street, Liverpool
A trio of two-bay houses with arched doorcases, early C19th, and fairly modest as befitting a side street. Grade II listed.
There is a ghost sign on the return wall:
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.02 miles
Ghost sign, Knight Street, Liverpool
Not entirely decipherable. It reads:
"Joseph Glover[?] / & Co / Plumbers / Painters / General / Contractors / [phone number?]".
Image: © Stephen Richards
Taken: 9 Jun 2013
0.02 miles
Rodney Street, Liverpool
From the cathedral.
Image: © Mike Pennington
Taken: 10 Jul 2010
0.03 miles