South Crail
The edge of Crail around the Kirkmay edge of the town. Taken from the Sypsies farm road by the observation post.
Image: © Jim Bain
Taken: 4 Nov 2007
0.05 miles
Temple Crescent, Crail
A quiet residential street.
Image: © Richard Sutcliffe
Taken: 24 May 2019
0.08 miles
Upper Mead Beacon, Crail
The upper of a pair of leading lights above the beach at Crail. Sited beside Temple Crescent. Dating from the mid-late 19th century, they were originally lit by gas, but have been lit by electricity since the 1980s.
Image: © Richard Sutcliffe
Taken: 24 May 2019
0.11 miles
A917 Milestone in Crail
Milestone with cast-iron cap on Anstruther Road in Crail.
Image: © Scott Cormie
Taken: 6 Oct 2020
0.12 miles
Milestone and bench mark, Anstruther Road
The Ordnance Survey cut mark is on the side of the milestone. For a wider view of the stone
Image and for further information on the bench mark and others in the area http://www.bench-marks.org.uk/bm38156
Image: © Maigheach-gheal
Taken: 14 Apr 2011
0.12 miles
A917 - Leaving Crail (for the other East Neuk Villages)
The Fife Coastal Path turns to the left at this point.
Image: © Sandy Gemmill
Taken: 19 Oct 2007
0.13 miles
A917 entering Crail
Entering from the west, that is. The junction on the right is with West Braes.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 17 Aug 2008
0.13 miles
Old Milestone by the A917, Crail
A type by the A917, in parish of Crail (Fife District), West end of Crail, Mayview, between West Braes and Temple Crescent.
Metal cap lost.
Carved benchmark on North face.
Milestone Society National ID: FF_CRAN00
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.13 miles
Milestone, Crail
According to Canmore [https://canmore.org.uk/site/305811/crail]:
'This milestone is situated on the SE side of the A917 public road in the SW end of Crail. It comprises a dressed sandstone block measuring 0.39m square by 0.66m in height and it is missing its cast-iron information cap, the E face of which once indicated the distances of 2¾ mile to Kilrenny, 14¼ miles to Largo Pier and 32 miles to Burntisland. The W face indicated the distances of ¼ mile to Crail and 3½ miles to Kingsbarns. There is an Ordnance Survey benchmark on the NE face of the stone'.
The stone with its missing cast-iron cap was photographed by the Milestone Society [https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6095591], but the cap had been replaced by 2011, when it appears to have been recently painted [https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2795327].
It is now showing some rusty areas, and would benefit from another repaint.
Image: © Richard Sutcliffe
Taken: 24 May 2019
0.13 miles
Crail's Catholic Church
Built in 1859 as an United Presbyterian Church, at that time a division of the Free Church, it was bought and converted into a Catholic Church in 1942.
In part this was possible by donations from the large number of Polish armed forces based around the area.
Image: © Jim Bain
Taken: 22 Sep 2007
0.13 miles