Manordene Close, Thames Ditton, from the railway
Image: © Christopher Hilton
Taken: 22 Mar 2016
0.02 miles
Railway bridges across Claygate Lane
There are in fact three bridges within the space of a few hundred metres. The bridge in the foreground carries the Waterloo-Basingstoke-Southampton main-line, while the one further off carries the branch line to Oxshott and Effingham Junction. Behind the camera a brick-built bridge carries the Hampton Court branch.
Image: © Stefan Czapski
Taken: 4 Nov 2013
0.06 miles
Railway bridges over Claygate Lane
The lines to Woking and Guildford.
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 1 Aug 2012
0.06 miles
Between the lines
This unusual building, off Claygate Lane between the diverging railway lines, is an electrical sub-station taking alternating current, probably at 3,300 or 33,000 volts from the national grid and converting it into the 750 volt direct current required by the third rail system of electrification used in this part of the world.
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 1 Aug 2012
0.07 miles
Sugden Road, Long Ditton
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 1 Aug 2012
0.08 miles
Daffodils next to Claygate Lane
These daffodils are on a small patch of green between Manor Road North and Claygate Lane. Claygate Lane lies ahead and round the corner it passes under three railway bridges - firstly the branch to Hinchley Wood, then the wider bridge for the main line between Surbiton and Esher and finally the branch to Thames Ditton and Hampton Court.
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 19 Mar 2014
0.08 miles
Thames Ditton
Malden and District Society of Model Engineers Ltd. is located in Thames Ditton Surrey. The miniature railway is known as the Thames Ditton Miniature Railway. The ground level railway is for the large scale trains. The elevated railway is for the smaller scale trains.
Image: © Peter Trimming
Taken: 6 May 2018
0.08 miles
Railway bridge over Claygate Lane
One of three as the lines to Hampton Court, Woking and Guoldford diverge.
Image: © Hugh Venables
Taken: 1 Aug 2012
0.09 miles
Thames Ditton
Malden and District Society of Model Engineers Ltd. is located in Thames Ditton Surrey. The miniature railway is known as the Thames Ditton Miniature Railway. The ground level railway is for the large scale trains. The elevated railway is for the smaller scale trains.
Image: © Peter Trimming
Taken: 6 May 2018
0.09 miles
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway
The Thames Ditton Miniature Railway is run by The Malden and District Society of Model Engineers. The Society were founded in 1936 and ran a portable model railway track that was often set up for fetes etc in the area around New Malden. The society started to build its first railway in Beverley Park New Malden which was known as the Beverley Park Miniature Railway.
After the Second World War the Society decided to find a site upon which to erect a permanent raised track along with a clubhouse. In 1948, the Society was offered a long term lease on the present site at Thames Ditton by the Macey Family Trust. The group then set about creating the Thames Ditton Miniature Railway which is what is seen here.
The Society has full and interesting web sites, including this http://malden-dsme.co.uk/public/aboutus.html and an even fuller history at http://malden-dsme.co.uk/public/history.html
Their site is easily missed in what looks like a small industrial estate off Claygate Lane between Portsmouth Road (A307) and the railway bridges across Claygate Lane. It can be spotted from Waterloo-bound trains between Thames Ditton and Surbiton. Details of open days are here - http://malden-dsme.co.uk/public/opendays.html
Image: © Marathon
Taken: 19 Mar 2014
0.10 miles