128 - 142 The Street
A group of almshouses at the junction of Park Lane and The Street, named Feilding House after the lady whose legacy in 1733 led to their foundation, Lady Diana Feilding. Originally built to house "6 needy widows", they were altered in 1852 to increase the number of residents to 8 following a donation from Lady Mary Greville Howard of Ashtead Park.
(There seems to be considerable confusion surrounding the spelling of Feilding House, with Fielding House being regularly used in its place, including on the Royal Mail postcode site and various Mole Valley District Council sites. However, it would seem clear that the surname of Lady Diana was indeed Feilding, having married William Feilding in 1705 (who became MP for Castle Rising that year), son of William Feilding, 3rd Earl of Denbigh, the spelling of which would appear to be without doubt.)
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 7 Sep 2018
0.05 miles
Mary Greville Howard cross and water fountain
Cross and water fountain dating from around 1880, commemorating Mary Greville Howard of Ashtead Park, who had died in 1877. She was the widow of Colonel Fulk Greville Howard, the Howards being significant landowners in Ashtead and benefactors to the village. Grade II listed - see wwwhistoricengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1188512.
Image: © Ian Capper
Taken: 7 Sep 2018
0.06 miles
The Street, Ashtead (view SW)
Wet and gloomy day in Ashtead. Looking SW towards the village and Leatherhead.
Image: © Thomas Grant
Taken: 10 May 2007
0.06 miles
Businesses in The Street
This modern block of shops is occupied by Vanessa Hair Studio, Beijing Palace Chinese Restaurant and Ashtead Computer Services. Next door is Ashtead Village Club; see:-
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 14 Aug 2010
0.06 miles
Ashtead Village Club, 104 The Street
A private members' club, situated in the main street of the village.
Image: © P L Chadwick
Taken: 14 Aug 2010
0.07 miles
St Giles C of E School
Primary school in Ashtead, with same name as the parish church. The school was built in 1852, funded by Mary Howard.
Image: © Colin Smith
Taken: 29 May 2011
0.10 miles
The Street, Ashtead (view NE)
The Street is Ashtead's main thoroughfare and most of the village's shops and services are located here. Traffic is often heavy as it is the route followed by the A24 London to Worthing road. A by-pass to the south of the village was projected in the late 1940s but the plan was ultimately rejected. Looking NE towards Epsom.
Image: © Thomas Grant
Taken: 10 May 2007
0.11 miles
Rookery Hill, Ashtead
Ornamental gates lead into the Ashtead Park estate which was created in 1680 by the local Lord of the Manor, Sir Richard Howard.
Image: © Colin Smith
Taken: 29 May 2011
0.11 miles
SPAN development, Westfield, Ashtead
Houses in the 1967 "SPAN" estate, Westfield. Designed by architect Eric Lyons. Similar SPAN developments can be found in Weybridge and West Byfleet, Surrey, and New Ash Green, Kent.
Image: © Thomas Grant
Taken: 10 May 2007
0.12 miles
Western gate and gatehouse, Ashtead Park
One of Ashtead Park's three gatehouses.
Image: © Thomas Grant
Taken: 10 May 2007
0.12 miles