Old Pub
An old Tolly Cobbolds pub High Street Hadleigh, Suffolk. For other view see http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1438415
Image: © Keith Evans
Taken: 9 Aug 2009
0.04 miles
Old Shoulder House 126 and 124 High Street, Hadleigh
Two Grade II* Listed buildings probably 16th century and later. Clearly once a public house it was called The Shoulder of Mutton that closed probably in the 1960s as parish records show it was an antique shop in 1968. A pub is recorded here from at least 1796 when the Sporting Magazine records a wager over a run from the Shoulder-of-Mutton Inn to the Fox in Kaydon. A Masonic 'Lodge of Virtue and Silence' is recorded at the pub established in 1811 and moving to the White Lion Inn in 1825/6 when the Shoulder's tenant died. A Gazetteer of 1844 records an 'Omnibus to Ipswich, from the Shoulder of Mutton at 9 morng. except Sunday'; in view of the yard behind, did the bus replace a coach and suggest it was a coaching inn? Tolly Cobbold agreements existed for the pub in 1924 and 1961. Directory entries for the Shoulder of Mutton include; 1839 John Mott; 1855-1869 Robert Gosling; 1891-1892 Charles Garnham; 1900 George Thomas Hinchley; 1901 no victualler given; 1912 Frederic Samuel Sargeant (sic).
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 17 Jun 2017
0.04 miles
Green And Pink
An old Tolly Cobbolds pub High Street Hadleigh, Suffolk. For other view see http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1438413
Image: © Keith Evans
Taken: 9 Aug 2009
0.05 miles
120 and 122 High Street, Hadleigh
Two Grade II Listed timber-framed houses probably 17th century.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 17 Jun 2017
0.05 miles
116 High Street, Hadleigh
Early 19th century Grade II Listed house in Suffolk brick now flats. Flat one was the scene of a murder on the last day of 1998.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 17 Jun 2017
0.05 miles
114 High Street, Hadleigh
Grade II Listed 18th century house refaced in Suffolk brick in the 19th century. A post card produced by himself shows Edwin Ringer, occupant in 1930. He was headmaster of the Council School in Station Road, secretary of the War Memorial committees (1919-1921), a deacon and the choir master at Hadleigh Congregational Church.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 17 Jun 2017
0.05 miles
Three Gables
A very nice house High Street Hadleigh, Suffolk.
Image: © Keith Evans
Taken: 9 Aug 2009
0.07 miles
108 and 110 High Street
Grade II* Listed 17th century 2740 sq. ft. house and former inn. Carved bressummer carries the date 1649. In 2013 and 2017 it was The Gables Bed and Breakfast but planning was submitted to return to residential only in 2021. The only information I can find is 'Swan & Commercial' in High Street with no other information. The 1884 and 1892 OS map appears to show it with a near central carriageway and to the rear 'Malthouse' but it is not clear what building this refers to (other inns are specifically labelled). Directories 1839 to 1912 make no mention of a Swan in High Street and in 1912 it shows 108 and 110 as private residents but numbering cannot be relied upon. Built as two homes, if it was an inn, it is probably in the 18th century. 2017 see
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 8 Apr 1996
0.07 miles
The Gables, 108-110 High Street, Hadleigh
Grade II* Listed 17th century 2740 sq. ft. house and former inn. Carved bressummer carries the date 1649. In 2013 and 2017 it was The Gables Bed and Breakfast but planning was submitted to return to residential only in 2021. The only information I can find is 'Swan & Commercial' in High Street with no other information. The 1884 and 1892 OS map appears to show it with a near central carriageway and to the rear 'Malthouse' but it is not clear what building this refers to (other inns are specifically labelled). Directories 1839 to 1912 make no mention of a Swan in High Street and in 1912 it shows 108 and 110 as private residents but numbering cannot be relied upon. Built as two homes, if it was an inn, it is probably in the 18th century. See 1996 picture at
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 17 Jun 2017
0.07 miles
111 and 113 High Street, Hadleigh
Grade II Listed pair of cottages probably 17th century.
Image: © Jo and Steve Turner
Taken: 17 Jun 2017
0.07 miles