The worst cricket pitch in the world
OK, the Railway Sports Club closed several years ago, leaving their pitch to grow wild. The even taller weeds to the left were the actual wicket. The gasholder in Tayfen Road and the St. John's Church spire (not surprisingly located in St. John's Street) are both Bury landmarks.
The foreground shows a little of the Tayfen estate. The stream from the Tayfen lake passes round the right of the pitch before disappearing under Tayfen Road - and never reappearing.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 29 Oct 2008
0.03 miles
British Sugar factory in its own mist
It was a somewhat misty day but at this point the factory was enveloped in a mist of its own making, coming from the factory chimney.
It is commonly known as the Sugar Beet Factory, or the Sugar Factory, even though it makes neither. The stuff coming out of the chimney gets called steam or smoke and neither of those are right either - a small child that described it as the cloud factory was largely right.
In the foreground we see the junction of Springfield Road and Spring Lane, and behind that the site of the demolished garage of Opus Cars, which features extensively in Geograph.
To the right of the sugar refinery we can see the walkways of a fully descended gas holder.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 20 Nov 2011
0.04 miles
Tayfen estate seen across demolition site
A 4 picture panorama, this picture covers around 90 degrees of field. There used to be a car showroom and repair garage on this site.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 21 Aug 2011
0.05 miles
Fen Way in the snow
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 5 Feb 2012
0.05 miles
Ice and Snow
Refashioned water channel in modern housing development takes on softer edge during cold snap.
Image: © Stuart Shepherd
Taken: 5 Feb 2012
0.06 miles
Through the showroom
The Tayfen estate is viewed through the disused showroom of Opus Cars, while the trees of Tayfen Road and Block 1, Trinity Mews, are visible reflected in the window. This space formerly housed Ferraris and Porsches.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 7 Oct 2008
0.06 miles
Fen Way on Tayfen estate, with black cloud
Not too long ago this was a caravan park and greyhound track.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 22 Jan 2012
0.06 miles
Greyhound track, about 1995
The greyhound track is viewed over the roof of the kennels, though not much is visible apart from the white fence, and the posts for the lighting and sound systems. This area now forms part of the Tayfen housing estate. Beyond the track we see the Triton House office blocks, while the rusty brown of the gasholder just appears on the left.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: Unknown
0.07 miles
Icy riverlet in Tayfen Estate
The icy surface is reflecting a sunset which is hard to detect in the rest of the scene. This is the level of snow that Bury St. Edmunds got this winter when the rest of the country were under several feet of the stuff.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 9 Jan 2011
0.07 miles
Preparing to demolish Opus Cars
This garage site has had several incarnations over the years, selling in turn Nissans, Volvos, Mazdas, White Vans, and sports cars but has now been vacant for years. It was growing huge weeds, and many of the windows were smashed. There were squatters in outbuildings. While the neighbours would have liked to see it back in use, demolition looks like a good alternative. And here we see preparations by a demolition company.
Image: © John Goldsmith
Taken: 28 Jan 2011
0.08 miles