Light, Thetford
With 5 birds on.
Image: © Hamish Griffin
Taken: 10 Mar 2015
0.13 miles
Is there a God?
Image: © Hamish Griffin
Taken: 10 Mar 2015
0.13 miles
Water meadows
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 29 Apr 2017
0.14 miles
Thetford Cluniac priory [8]
The prior's lodgings.
Thetford Cluniac Priory, dedicated to St Mary, was established in 1103 and moved to the present site in 1107 with the River Little Ouse flowing along the southern boundary. It became one of the larger and wealthier religious foundations in Norfolk before its dissolution in 1540. The ruins include the standing and buried remains of the monastic church and conventual buildings and the remains of water control features to the south and west of these. Listed, grade I, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1297875 A Scheduled Ancient Monument with much history and detail at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1017669
Once the ancient capital of East Anglia, Thetford is a market town established at a crossing of the River Little Ouse. A major centre of Boudica’s Iceni tribe, there is an Iron Age fort. Later came a Norman castle and an important priory. Thetford is the birthplace of 18th century radical Thomas Paine, whose thinking encouraged American independence and the abolition of slavery. After World War II, Thetford became an "overspill town", taking people from London.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 8 Sep 2020
0.15 miles
Thetford Cluniac priory [9]
An information board showing an aerial reconstruction of the priory as it might have looked in 1540.
Thetford Cluniac Priory, dedicated to St Mary, was established in 1103 and moved to the present site in 1107 with the River Little Ouse flowing along the southern boundary. It became one of the larger and wealthier religious foundations in Norfolk before its dissolution in 1540. The ruins include the standing and buried remains of the monastic church and conventual buildings and the remains of water control features to the south and west of these. Listed, grade I, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1297875 A Scheduled Ancient Monument with much history and detail at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1017669
Once the ancient capital of East Anglia, Thetford is a market town established at a crossing of the River Little Ouse. A major centre of Boudica’s Iceni tribe, there is an Iron Age fort. Later came a Norman castle and an important priory. Thetford is the birthplace of 18th century radical Thomas Paine, whose thinking encouraged American independence and the abolition of slavery. After World War II, Thetford became an "overspill town", taking people from London.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 8 Sep 2020
0.16 miles
Prior's Lodging at Thetford Cluniac Priory
Image: © Sandy Gerrard
Taken: 2 May 2023
0.16 miles
Prior's Lodging at Thetford Cluniac Priory
Image: © Sandy Gerrard
Taken: 2 May 2023
0.16 miles
Thetford Cluniac Priory
Prior's Lodging viewed from cellar west of the main cloister https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1017669?section=official-listing
Image: © Sandy Gerrard
Taken: Unknown
0.16 miles
A small stream
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 29 Apr 2017
0.16 miles
The Prior's Lodging
Following the dissolution of Thetford Priory in 1540, the Prior's lodging continued to be occupied as a house for another 200 years and underwent numerous alterations. By the early 19th century the building was a roofless ruin.
Image: © Richard Croft
Taken: 6 Sep 2013
0.16 miles