St Mary's Church Of England School (Fairford Leys)
This is the local primary school situated on the Fairford Leys development in Aylesbury. The school backs onto a green playing field. During term time this parking area would see a hub of activity as parents collect their children from school.
Image: © Chris Millard
Taken: 17 Aug 2010
0.01 miles
Eyes and Teeth Done Here
Eastgate Dental Centre, Eastgate Eyes and Eastgate Orthodontics side by side on Wedgewood Street in the centre of the Fairford Leys neighbourhood.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 5 Jul 2021
0.10 miles
Knightsbridge Place, Fairford Leys
A quiet street in Fairford Leys.
Actually, all the streets are quiet. Cars have to know their place in this pleasant urban village which was designed with people in mind rather than vehicles.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 5 Jul 2021
0.12 miles
Webbs Meadow Play Area (Fairford Leys)
This is another child's play area located on Webb's Meadow and is ideal for children between the ages of 2 and 6 years. This facility was provided by Coldharbour Parish Council. The sign shows various instructions to children and parents - no littering; no talking to strangers; no dogs; no glass bottles & no ball games eg football.
Image: © Chris Millard
Taken: 17 Aug 2010
0.12 miles
Fairford Leys Community Centre and Bandstand
The photo shows the Fairford Leys community centre and bandstand. The centre is an activity centre that is used as a sporting venue that serves the local community and schools (e.g. the government SureStart programme); meeting point for the parish council which doubles as a polling station during local and national elections and the local Women's Institute (WI).
Image: © Chris Millard
Taken: 5 Aug 2010
0.13 miles
Fairford Leys Church - Hampden Square
This is Fairford Leys church that was built during the 1990 in response to a request by the Ernest Cook Trust to create a new church in the heart of the Fairford Leys development. This church brings together the Church of England, the Roman Catholic, the United Reformed and the Methodist Churches the first ecumenical church to serve the community.
For more information go to: http://www.fairfordleyschurch.org.uk.
Image: © Chris Millard
Taken: 22 Aug 2010
0.13 miles
Honey Bee Public House - Fairford Leys, Aylesbury
Photo shows the front of the recently built Fairford Leys pub that serves local residents & businesses.
This photo is taken on Trenchard Street and I was standing adjacent to the Nuffield Health Centre.
Image: © Chris Millard
Taken: 5 Aug 2010
0.14 miles
Block of flats built in the shape of a church - Fairford Leys
This is innovative building design in the shape of a Christian church. It comprises six flats on the Fairford Leys development in Aylesbury. Unfortunately, there is not a stone plaque on the front of the property to say when it was built.
Image: © Chris Millard
Taken: 5 Aug 2010
0.14 miles
Village Centre, Fairford Leys
Hampden Square in the centre of Fairford Leys.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 5 Jul 2021
0.14 miles
Hampden Square, Fairford Leys
In the centre of Fairford Leys.
Wikipedia says this "Fairford Leys is designed in the urban village style, with low-rise streets, geared to pedestrians more than cars. The three main developers of the development were bound by a design code to ensure architectural cohesion and this is maintained through covenants on the deeds of each property."
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 5 Jul 2021
0.16 miles