High Wycombe : Oxford Street
Looking along a pedestrianised road.
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 9 Oct 2016
0.02 miles
High Wycombe
Looking along Frogmoor, from Oxford Road, towards the railway viaduct.
Image: © Peter Trimming
Taken: 23 Mar 2016
0.03 miles
Mayor Making Platform, High Wycombe
This photo shows the platform, chair and weighing scales in Frogmoor awaiting the arrival of the new Mayor of High Wycombe and his officers for them to be weighed in. The annual custom dates back to medieval times and is unique to this Buckinghamshire market town. It takes place in Frogmoor on the third Saturday in May commencing at 11.45am.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 20 May 2017
0.03 miles
Mayor Making Ceremony, High Wycombe (2)
This photo shows the new Mayor of High Wycombe being weighed in, with the Lady Mayoress on the left. The Mayor and the Corporation of High Wycombe are weighed in today in full view of the public to see whether or not they have been getting fat at the ratepayers' expense. If the "macebearer", who is between the Mayor and Lady Mayoress, calls out the weight and the words "And no more!", the crowd cheers as a sign of their appreciation and gratitude for hard work done for the community. However, if he shouts "And some more!" it means the mayor and corporation have been indulging in too much good living at ratepayers' expense and the crowd jeers and boos.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 20 May 2017
0.03 miles
Mayor Making Ceremony, High Wycombe (1)
This photo shows the new Lady Mayoress being weighed in, with the Mayor in his red robes on the right. The "macebearer" is on the left whilst the Town Crier with his tricorn hat on the far right. The mace can be seen at the front of the platform.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 20 May 2017
0.03 miles
Mayor Making Ceremony, High Wycombe (3)
This photo shows the "macebearer", the new High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire and the new Mayor of High Wycombe on the platform after the Mayor Making ceremony in Frogmoor had finished. Two ladies in the foreground can also be seen taking photographs of the three.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 20 May 2017
0.03 miles
Bucks New University
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 8 Jul 2017
0.04 miles
High Wycombe: Butlers
The National Heritage website map places a triangle in the centre of this group of buildings in Frogmoor and then describes the structure thus:-
"Early C19 or late C18 front to house incorporating earlier structure. Stucco, machine tiles. 2 storeys and attic, modern box dormer. Sash in reveal with glazing bars, ground floor cambered arch. Plain doorhood."
So evidently the listing applies to the small house on the left and not the much larger multi-storeyed half-timbered and more eye-catching edifice on the right that is the Butlers public house. The pub is owned by Marston's and its website is here http://www.butlerspub.co.uk/ One on the house next time?
Image: © Nigel Cox
Taken: 25 Jul 2015
0.04 miles
High Wycombe : Arch Way A4128
Image: © Lewis Clarke
Taken: 9 Oct 2016
0.04 miles
Frogmoor, High Wycombe
Frogmoor is the street name. Part of the downtown shopping maze.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 4 Sep 2013
0.04 miles