Top end of Station Road, Golcar
At the junction with James Street / Carr Top Lane. There were houses in the area of grass on the left.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.04 miles
Back lane off Chapel Lane, Golcar
This connects Chapel Lane with Station Road.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.04 miles
Albion Mills, Brook Lane, Golcar
Thanks to Humphrey Bolton I now know where my "mystery mill" is and can now post my own view (practically identical to his) taken nearly 24 years earlier.
There was a little scrapyard a few yards away with the remains of some sort of jet aircraft. Humphrey confirms that is all long gone. Let's hope they don't ruin the mill too much (one of my pet hates).
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 1 Jul 1983
0.04 miles
Carr Top Lane, Golcar
Carr Top Lane splits at the bottom end, with a house in the triangle so formed.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.04 miles
Rear of Baptist chapel, Chapel Lane, Golcar
The building straight ahead was built as a Sunday school in 1896 and adapted for use as a chapel in the late 1960s.
Set into the wall is the datestone for a chapel of 1834, the first one.
The photograph is taken from what would have been the interior of another chapel, built 1867 when the church outgrew the 1834 building and demolished in the early 1970s. It is now a car park. The small wall in the foreground was part of the exterior wall of the 1867 chapel.
The building on the right is dated 1929 over the door. It is referred to as 'the covered way' and was built to provide a corridor between the 1867 chapel and the 1896 Sunday school, as well as to provide on-site indoor toilets.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.09 miles
Datestone, Golcar Baptist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Golcar
The present chapel is dated 1896 and was built as a Sunday School. This datestone was transferred from the first chapel on the site. The 1834 chapel was replaced when the church outgrew it. A new chapel was built on the land that is now a car park, which this datestone faces, in 1867, and the Sunday School followed within 30 years.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.09 miles
Datestone from former chapel building, Chapel Lane, Golcar
The first datestone is from 1834. This one of 1867 has the words 'Particular Baptist'. This were a strict type of Baptist, and were originally Calvinistic, believing in predestination.
This stone stands facing Chapel Lane with a car park behind it, where the 1867 chapel once stood. As such, its position is similar to its original position in the building, but for its being at ground level.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.09 miles
Foundation stone on Baptist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Golcar
This is one of several similar stones along the front wall of the building, dated August 1896. This was after most of the various different groups of Baptists joined to form the Baptist Union in 1891. Crowther is a well-known name in this area; some of them were mill-owners.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.09 miles
Graveyard, Golcar Baptist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Golcar
Work on clearing away invading shrubs is in progress.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.09 miles
Golcar Baptist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Golcar
These were built in 1896. On the left, the old Sunday School building which is now used as a chapel. On the right, the minister's house or 'manse'. There was one earlier pair of buildings on this site; a chapel and manse built 1834. A new chapel was built next door in 1867 and then the old chapel replaced with this large, 3 storey Sunday School. In the 1960s the Sunday School was adapted for use as a chapel and the 1867 chapel demolished in the early 1970s. The gate at the far end leads into the graveyard.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 19 Apr 2007
0.09 miles