Petworth House Fire Station
This building was originally a dairy and is built over a very large ice house. It was later converted to house a portable fire engine and the two central columns were 'necked' to give clearance for this. It now houses a stationary steam fire pump from elsewhere on the estate. This is a rare beast but sadly not on display. I do have slides of this and one day will scan them.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 19 Jul 2009
0.00 miles
Petworth - Shepherd's Hut
Garden feature within Petworth Park, landscaped by Capability Brown.
Image: © Colin Smith
Taken: 1 Jul 2016
0.01 miles
Path between Petworth House and the car park
North of the house. The lawns are covered in a countless number of daffodils.
Image: © pam fray
Taken: 10 Apr 2016
0.02 miles
Petworth Park: Shepherd's Hut
What looks like a simple caravan was apparently used by the estate shepherd, and now by tour guides.
Image: © Stephen Craven
Taken: 26 May 2012
0.02 miles
Petworth House and Park [9]
Originally built in the 18th century as an outhouse and was later used to house a fire engine. Constructed of rubble stone with red brick quoins and dressings under a tile roof. An ornamental front was added in the early 19th century to form a garden house and to conceal the utilitarian building. The front is stuccoed with a portico of four Doric columns with a pediment over, all under a slate roof. Listed, grade II, with details at:
Unusually, Petworth House and Park are situated adjacent to the small town of Petworth, some 5½ miles east of Midhurst. The park covers 700 acres and is home to the largest herd of fallow deer in England. The house was rebuilt in 1688 and altered in the 1870s. Petworth is famous for its extensive art collection. The house is listed, grade I, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1225989 The parkland is on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens, grade I, with much history and detail at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1000162
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 1 May 2022
0.02 miles
Houses, A272
Not a description but this is my 222,222 submission.
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 4 Sep 2016
0.02 miles
Tradesman's Entrance, Petworth House
The exit from the utility area to the village of Petworth which would allow wagons to come and go out of sight of the main entrance. For a view of the rear of Petworth House refer to picture
Image: © Len Williams
Taken: 4 Sep 2013
0.02 miles
Petworth House - fire pump
This is a Shand Mason horizontal duplex steam fire pump mounted on a bed with an adjoining vertical boiler. It has been relocated from elsewhere on the estate and is appropriately enough in the former fire station that housed a horse drawn engine. Sadly, it is not on public display but if you make arrangements the National Trust will show you it. It's a lovely piece of kit and deserves to be properly displayed.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 6 Jul 2003
0.02 miles
Petworth House - fire pump
This is a Shand Mason horizontal duplex steam fire pump mounted on a bed with an adjoining vertical boiler. It has been relocated from elsewhere on the estate and is appropriately enough in the former fire station that housed a horse drawn engine. Sadly, it is not on public display but if you make arrangements the National Trust will show you it. It's a lovely piece of kit and deserves to be properly displayed.
Image: © Chris Allen
Taken: 6 Jul 2003
0.02 miles
Houses in North Street, Petworth
Image: © David960
Taken: 16 Mar 2014
0.02 miles