Inscription on Pound House
Interesting inscription on The Pound House
Image] in Longhope.
The inscription reads:
destroyed by FIRE 19 October 1851
was REBUILT for
HANNAH BRIGHT Aged 71 years by the
After discovering this inscribed tablet research lead me to discover insurance companies used to have private fire brigades, the last one was disbanded in Worcester in 1929.
Image: © Philip Halling
Taken: 3 Nov 2012
0.07 miles
The Pound House, Longhope
The Pound House on Old Monmouth Road in Longhope catches the eye with the inscribed stone
Image] below the upstairs window.
The inscription reads:
destroyed by FIRE 19th October 1851
was REBUILT for
HANNAH BRIGHT Aged 71 years
by the
When the Norwich Union was founded at the end of the eighteenth century it had its own fire brigade to tackle fires in properties owned by those with an insurance policy with them. The last private fire brigade was in Worcester and it closed in 1929. Insured buildings would be identifiable with a small plaque.
Image: © Philip Halling
Taken: 3 Nov 2012
0.08 miles
Haulage yard, Longhope
It's Sunday and the trucks are parked in the yard. Compare to
Image which was taken on a Friday.
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 8 Jun 2008
0.08 miles
Pound House, Longhope
Stands opposite a field which was known as The Pound which was used to pen animals found wandering in the village. The house bears an inscribed tablet which reads, 'The Pound House destroyed by fire 19 October 1851 was rebuilt for Hannah Bright Aged 71 years by the Norwich Union Fire Office 1852.'
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 8 Jun 2008
0.09 miles
Latchen Orchard
A small cul-de-sac off the Latchen, Longhope.
Image: © Jonathan Billinger
Taken: 4 Apr 2024
0.09 miles
Haulage yard, Longhope
Belonging to one of the Read family, hauliers in this area for many years.
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 6 Jul 2007
0.09 miles
Harold Read's haulage yard, Longhope
The Read family have run trucks in Longhope, Gloucestershire for getting on for seventy years now, possibly longer. Richard Read haulage, a much bigger concern, is just around the corner. Read's have always been associated with ERF trucks, a couple of elderly examples of which have been put out to grass in this shot. I used to drive similar trucks when I first started driving, and I still go all misty eyed when I see one! Drivers either loved or hated ERFs ("plastic pigs"), with their draughty fibreglass cabs and difficult-to-master Eaton twin split 12 speed gearbox. I loved driving them.
Image: © John Winder
Taken: 2 May 2014
0.09 miles
Leftover lorries in Longhope
A reminder of the transport company, Richard Read, who closed their yard for redevelopment in 2019.
Image Image Image and
Image: © Jonathan Billinger
Taken: 26 Mar 2021
0.09 miles
ERF "C" series tractor unit
One of Harold Read's elderly ERFs, now enjoying a peaceful retirement in the corner of the yard! This one is a C Series, I think, which were introduced in 1982. From the days when trucks were a bit more challenging and involving to drive (and consequently more fun) than the modern automatic dodgem cars we get nowadays.
Image: © John Winder
Taken: 2 May 2014
0.10 miles
Latchen - street sign, Longhope
This is a word I've never come across before and would be interested to know what it means and its origin. If you have information, please contact me and I will update the details. Possibly something to do with laundry?
Image: © Pauline E
Taken: 8 Jun 2008
0.10 miles