Female caryatids on the Merchants' House, George Square
Impressive figures on a building belonging to Britain's oldest Chamber of Commerce. The original Merchants' House stood in the Bridgegate. While Scotland's two major cities both drew on the architectural inspiration of ancient models, Edinburgh, striving to be the 'Athens of the North', was drawn more to Greece (Enlightenment), whereas Glasgow showed a pronounced preference for Rome (Empire), or Renaissance Venice (Trade). You won't see this kind of thing in Edinburgh, but you will find many similar examples in Glasgow's city centre.
Image: © kim traynor
Taken: 26 Mar 2012
0.01 miles
Kirkman Finlay statue in the Merchants' House
One of the first Glasgow merchants to trade with India, Finlay established cotton mills in various locations across Scotland. He was elected a Member of Parliament while Provost of Glasgow and was a leading figure in Scottish enterprises, including being Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Governor of the Forth & Clyde Navigation Company. The firm of Finlays founded by his father continues to operate to this day. http://www.finlays.net/about-finlays/history
Image: © kim traynor
Taken: 26 Mar 2012
0.01 miles
Merchants Hall interior
The Merchants Guild, representing the city's mercantile community, is one of Glasgow's oldest institutions. The office of Lord Dean of Guild ranks next in line to that of Lord Provost. Before the 1975 reform of local government the Dean was an unelected ex offico member of the Town Council, but now attends its meetings in an honorary non-voting capacity. Guild members elect representatives to numerous public bodies involved in the affairs of the city, but concentrate mainly on its charitable activities. The portrait occupying the most prominent position in the Hall is that of John Aird (1655-1730) who was elected Dean of Guild three times and Provost of Glasgow on ten occasions between 1705 and 1722. In 1696 he subscribed £100 of his personal wealth to the Darien Scheme and £1,000 on behalf of the Guild. During serious rioting in 1706, caused by economic hardship, pro-Jacobite sympathies and anti-Union feeling, he twice had to flee from the city for his personal safety.
Image: © kim traynor
Taken: 26 Mar 2012
0.01 miles
Merchants Hall interior
"Glasgow is a city of business; here is the face of trade, as well foreign as home trade; and, I may say, 'tis the only city in Scotland, at this time, that apparently increases and improves in both. The Union has answered its end to them more than to any other part of Scotland, for their trade is new formed by it; and, as the Union opened the door to the Scots in our American colonies, the Glasgow merchants presently fell in with the opportunity; and though, when the Union was making, the rabble of Glasgow made the most formidable attempt to prevent it, yet, now they know better, for they have the greatest addition to their trade by it imaginable; and I am assured that they send near fifty sail of ships every year to Virginia, New England, and other English colonies in America, and are every year increasing." -- Daniel Defoe, A Tour Thro' The Whole Island of Great Britain, 1724-6
Apart from meetings of the Merchants Guild, the Hall is used for lunchtime music concerts and is available for hire. Wall panels in elegant gold calligraphy record members' charitable bequests down the centuries.
Image: © kim traynor
Taken: 26 Mar 2012
0.01 miles
Sailing ship weather vane
On top of the Merchants House on the west side of George Square. Viewed from Queen Street railway station.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 29 Apr 2013
0.01 miles
Ship shape finial
High above the north west corner of George Square.
See also
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 28 Feb 2016
0.01 miles
Ship shape finial
A close-up view of the ship which can be seen high above the north west corner of George Square.
See also
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 28 Feb 2016
0.01 miles
Merchants House flag and ship
On the roof of the Merchants House on George Square
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 16 Apr 2017
0.01 miles
Glasgow rooftops
Looking towards George Square from The Lighthouse. The ship is on top of a building on the west side of George Square. Viewed from The Lighthouse.
Image: © Thomas Nugent
Taken: 19 Oct 2011
0.01 miles
Male caryatids on the Merchants' House, West George Street
Note the merchant ships adorning the shields.
Image: © kim traynor
Taken: 26 Mar 2012
0.01 miles