Derby - Cathedral Quarter
John Smith (b.1813) founded his own clock-making company in 1856 in these now derelict premises on Queen Street. When he died in 1866, his sons, Frank and John, took over the running of the family business. Under Frank Smith, the company were responsible for building the huge turret clock for St Paul's Cathedral in 1893. The Smiths of Derby Group still function today as manufacturers of bespoke clocks. Beyond the traffic lights is a footbridge that carries pedestrians over the St Alkmund's Way (A601), a dual-carriageway, to St Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Bridge Gate.
Image: © David Hallam-Jones
Taken: 29 Nov 2012
0.01 miles
The Clockworks
A local support group has been aiming for the preservation of this building.
This is where the internationally known clockmakers had their works from between 1856 and the end of the 20th century. It was bought by a developer in 2001 but has remained empty and undeveloped since then.
The building was originally built as a town house by the father of John Flamsteed, the Astronomer Royal, in the 1600s, but is much changed, losing part of the original to make way for a wagon access to the factory in 1908, and then the front rooms in 1927-9 when the road was widened. The facade dates from this period.
Before the Smith family took over, it was a meeting place for The Lunar Society, including such notables as John Wright, the artist, and Erasmus Darwin.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 3 Apr 2011
0.01 miles
Clock at The Clockworks
An example of the public clocks for which Smiths became famous.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 3 Apr 2011
0.01 miles
The top of Queen Street
Looking towards the centre of the city, with the cathedral tower dominating.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 3 Apr 2011
0.01 miles
Derby - Kings Chambers (southern end)
On Queen Street. See Alan Murray-Rust's
Image for more details of this building's history.
Image: © Dave Bevis
Taken: 20 Feb 2015
0.01 miles
Derby - Kings Chambers (northern end)
On Queen Street. See Alan Murray-Rust's
Image for more details of this building's history.
Image: © Dave Bevis
Taken: 20 Feb 2015
0.01 miles
St Michaels, Queen Street
Former Anglican church, now converted to business use.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 3 Apr 2011
0.01 miles
St. Michael's, Derby
Image: © Chris Whippet
Taken: 30 Jun 2015
0.01 miles
John Falmsteed's former home
This now dilapidated building was once the home of John Flamsteed who was the first Astronomer Royal. The building became part of the Smith Clock Works an international company who design and make clocks of all sorts for public buildings. They also service the clocks they make.
Image: © Malcolm Neal
Taken: 18 Mar 2017
0.01 miles
Gallery - Place of welcome
This is the old main entrance to the King's Hall Public Baths, now the Queen's Leisure Centre with its entrance on Cathedral Street. This part of the complex is currently a refugee and welcome centre for central Europeans.
Image: © Alan Murray-Rust
Taken: 3 Apr 2011
0.02 miles