East end of Merlin Avenue, Whittleford, Nuneaton
postbox number CV10 163.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 8 Nov 2012
0.03 miles
Bucks Hill in Whittleford
Image: © Mat Fascione
Taken: 13 Sep 2015
0.06 miles
Bus timetable - Frensham Drive
Stagecoach's no 41 bus between Nuneaton town centre and Birchley Heath diverts off Bucks Hill to pass through the housing estate; details are given on this timetable below the bus stop flag.
Image: © Stephen McKay
Taken: 6 Dec 2017
0.08 miles
Entrance to Whittleford Park by sleeper bridge from Whittleford Road
There IS a way in. Such arrangements are designed to keep unwelcome users out – bikes, motorbikes, cars, possibly horses also.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 8 Nov 2012
0.08 miles
Whittleford Park, Nuneaton
The park looks as though it is managed more for wildlife than for people. Long grass has been cut in autumn, perhaps, and left to lie. To be fair, the site may well be former colliery or industrial land and management options are constrained; there may also be budgetary reasons for not collecting cut grass.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 8 Nov 2012
0.12 miles
Nuneaton Colliery Employees' War Memorial
The casual passer-by in Whittleford Road might wonder why a modern bungalow has what looks like a war memorial in its front garden. Stepping back, the perforated ridge tiles suggest that the building is older. A look at old maps shows it there in the 1914-22 edition, just inside the entrance to the Nuneaton Colliery, which was first mapped there in 1903, when the road was called Bucks Hill. The mine has long been closed.
The website of the Nuneaton Local History Group http://www.nuneatonlocalhistorygroup.org.uk notes that the memorial was unveiled on 8th January 1922 by Brigadier General Sir John Barnsley VD DL TD [?] a director of Stanley Bros Ltd who owned the mine. The recess in the rough grey granite has clearly held an inscribed plaque or plate that is not there now:
Update, December 2017: the plaque has been restored, as seen in
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 8 Nov 2012
0.18 miles
Nuneaton Colliery Employees' War Memorial, Whittleford Road
The casual passer-by in Whittleford Road might wonder why a modern bungalow has what looks like a war memorial in its front garden
Image Stepping back, the perforated ridge tiles suggest that the building is older. A look at old maps shows it there in the 1914-22 edition, just inside the entrance to the Nuneaton Colliery, which was first mapped there in 1903, when the road was called Bucks Hill. The mine has long been closed.
The website of the Nuneaton Local History Group http://www.nuneatonlocalhistorygroup.org.uk notes that the memorial was unveiled on 8th January 1922 by Brigadier General Sir John Barnsley VD DL TD [?] a director of Stanley Bros Ltd who owned the mine. The recess in the rough grey granite has clearly held an inscribed plaque or plate that is not there now. Update, December 2017: the plaque has been restored, as seen in
The view is southeast down Whittleford Road towards Nuneaton's southwestern suburbs.
Image: © Robin Stott
Taken: 8 Nov 2012
0.18 miles
Nuneaton Colliery Employees' War Memorial
This is a closer view of the memorial described in detail here:
Image . The inscribed plaque, missing then, has evidently been replaced.
Image: © Stephen McKay
Taken: 6 Dec 2017
0.18 miles
Frensham Drive, Whittleford
Frensham Drive takes a right angle turn here.
Image: © Stephen McKay
Taken: 6 Dec 2017
0.18 miles
Housing and access to public open space, Freesland Drive, Whittleford
Image: © John Brightley
Taken: 20 Sep 2010
0.21 miles