Canterbury, Best Lane
Canterbury, Best Lane, Best Lane Garden.
Image: © Helmut Zozmann
Taken: 28 Jul 2011
0.00 miles
Canterbury, Best Lane
Canterbury, Best Lane, Best Lane Garden, Telephone boxes.
Image: © Helmut Zozmann
Taken: 28 Jul 2011
0.00 miles
Boats on the Great Stour
Viewed from St Peter's bridge, the boats cater for groups of between 9 and 12 people, the "chauffeur" needs to have strong muscles to paddle these boats along the river on a 45 minute trip including a section under a bridge where they "walk" along the underside on the bridge using their feet as paddles.
Image: © Paul Gillett
Taken: 30 Jul 2010
0.00 miles
'Healing' hands, Best Lane, Canterbury
Among the shoppers on this sunny day in central Canterbury, the Healing On The Streets volunteers practise their 'hands-on' healing. Organised by Canterbury Churches In Partnership, they say that 'although we believe that God can heal you, not everyone is healed in response to our prayers. If nothing seems to have happened, please be reassured that God still loves you...'
Image: © Matt Harrop
Taken: 27 Aug 2016
0.01 miles
Old Milestone by High Street, Canterbury
A gate post in front of 24 High Street, now an 'ASK' restaurant, on the Northeast side of a paved pedestrian area, East of King's Bridge on the Great Stour river.
The inscription refers to the widening of King's Bridge and the distance from London Bridge.
Milestone Society National ID: KE_LD55A
Image: © Milestone Society
Taken: Unknown
0.01 miles
Canterbury buildings [245]
Number 24 High Street is a 'L' shaped 19th century building in buff brick under a slate roof. Built on the site of the 12th century King's Mill. Listed, grade II, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1260886
Canterbury is a small historic city on the River Stour in Kent, some 54 miles southeast of London. Occupied since prehistoric times, it became an important Roman city. In 672, the see of Canterbury gained authority over the entire English Church. After the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket at the cathedral in 1170, pilgrims from all parts of Christendom came to visit his shrine until the Dissolution. Today, Canterbury is a popular tourist destination and one of the most-visited cities in the United Kingdom. The city has a substantial student population, with four university campuses.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 13 Sep 2021
0.01 miles
The Great Stour
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 2 Apr 2016
0.01 miles
Geoffrey Chaucer in Canterbury
The life-sized figure, sculpted by Sam Holland and costing £200,000, was unveiled in October, 2016 on the corner of Best Lane.
Image: © pam fray
Taken: 11 Nov 2016
0.01 miles
The Pilgrim
Image: © N Chadwick
Taken: 13 Feb 2018
0.01 miles
Canterbury features [83]
At the junction of Best Lane with High Street stands this statue of Geoffrey Chaucer, unveiled in October 2016.
Canterbury is a small historic city on the River Stour in Kent, some 54 miles southeast of London. Occupied since prehistoric times, it became an important Roman city. In 672, the see of Canterbury gained authority over the entire English Church. After the murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket at the cathedral in 1170, pilgrims from all parts of Christendom came to visit his shrine until the Dissolution. Today, Canterbury is a popular tourist destination and one of the most-visited cities in the United Kingdom. The city has a substantial student population, with four university campuses.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 10 Sep 2021
0.01 miles