Path up from subway to Old London Road
The way from a Tesco supermarket, among other places, under Church Langley Way.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 16 Mar 2014
0.08 miles
Broad verge, Church Langley Way
Near the roundabout where the road meets the A414.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 16 Mar 2014
0.10 miles
Pedestrian and cycle subway, Harlow
It passes under Church Langley Way, a dual carriageway.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 16 Mar 2014
0.12 miles
Church Langley Telephone Exchange, Essex
Situated in Old London Road CM17 9HN, it has the code EACHU and supplies telephone and broadband services to 1,477 residential and 11 non-residential premises in the Church Langley area. This TE would appear to comprise the white container and the red brick building behind it.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 5 Apr 2018
0.12 miles
The Clock Tower
The Clock Tower by the Clock Tower Roundabout.
Image: © Lynda Poulter
Taken: 12 Apr 2007
0.12 miles
Clock Tower, Latton Street, Harlow
Situated in Latton Street CM20 3SD, this clock tower is near the Clock Tower Roundabout where the A414 and A1025 roads meet. It was built in 1864 by the Revd Joseph Arkwright in order to ensure the punctuality of his estate workers. Inscribed over the entrance is the text 'Work while it is day' which comes from the Gospel of St John ch9 v4. This clock tower is now a Grade II listed building.
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 5 Apr 2018
0.14 miles
Path up from subway under Church Langley Way
Towards a Tesco supermarket, among other places, one of which is seen here, the Potters pub.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 16 Mar 2014
0.15 miles
London Road, Harlow
Severed as a continuous road at this point by Church Langley Way in the foreground.
Image: © Robin Webster
Taken: 16 Mar 2014
0.18 miles
Blue Post in Latton Street
Situated in Latton Street, this post has the following wording:
see something different
Latton Street
The cycle track here is one of the original roads that threaded through the area, Latton Street. In common with many old country lanes in Harlow, the town's designers used them to allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross the town away from the noise and dirt of vehicle traffic, as if in the countryside.
The fields around are part of a 'green wedge'. These were included in the design of Harlow New Town to bring the countryside to the heart of the town and to separate the residential neighbourhoods. This wedge continues through to the town centre.
The Clock Tower along the lane was built by the Revd Joseph Arkwright in 1864 in order to ensure the punctuality of his estate workers. Inscribed over the entrance is the text 'Work while it is day'.
For more information visit
Image: © David Hillas
Taken: 5 Apr 2018
0.21 miles
Demolished hall
Image: © Alex McGregor
Taken: 24 Jul 2013
0.21 miles