Entrance to the Public Hall, Appleby
Not Appleby's most glorious architectural moment.
Image: © Jonathan Thacker
Taken: 2 Dec 2013
0.01 miles
Appleby Market Square
Appleby a traditional market town and once the county town of old Westmorland. Look at http://www.applebytown.talktalkbusiness.net/
Image: © Carl Bendelow
Taken: 4 Jan 2004
0.02 miles
Appleby Moot Hall
The Moot Hall in the centre of the town houses the Council Chamber and the Tourist Information Centre with small shops on the street level
Image: © Carl Bendelow
Taken: 4 Jan 2004
0.02 miles
Image: © Charles Rispin
Taken: 27 May 2006
0.02 miles
Shop, Bridge Street, Appleby
The twin shop windows and their voussoirs (the wedge-shaped stones that form the arches) catch the eye, but the building would look better if there were a similar arch over the door.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 3 Nov 2006
0.02 miles
Banks, Boroughgate, Appleby
These adjoining bank buildings are both Grade II listed. Barclays is late Victorian Gothic, with slightly pointed ground floor windows. There is a cast-iron balcony to the first-floor windows and a parapet at the top with an arch motif. The HSBC was built earlier in the 19C, and is in a more Classical style that has evolved from the Georgian period, although it has a Gothic parapet with castellations.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 3 Nov 2006
0.02 miles
Boroughgate from the north end, Appleby
This street was laid out by the Normans after the castle was built. There are a few 16C buildings, but most are of the 18C and 19C, and nearly all are listed.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 3 Nov 2006
0.02 miles
Conservative Club and Post Office, Boroughgate, Appleby
The Conservative Club is an Italianate building of c.1850. The Post Office is dated 1917.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 3 Nov 2006
0.02 miles
Pharmacy and pub, Boroughgate
The pharmacy is in a Grade II listed late 16C or early 17C building with distinctive windows in a second-floor that was added in the late 17C. The Hare and Hounds is also Grade II listed, and is an 18C building with an archway to stables at the rear. A shop front was added in the 19C, but later filled in by a wall with two sash windows.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 3 Nov 2006
0.02 miles
The Cloisters, Appleby
This is the name of a screen built in 1811, designed by R Smirke. It has a two-storey pavilion with corbelled parapet at each end, and seven pointed arches between them, with the arms of Appleby over the central arch. Grade II* listed. It partly hides the church. The Low Cross is identical to the High Cross, of which it is supposed to be an 18C copy. Like the High Cross it is Grade II* listed.
Image: © Humphrey Bolton
Taken: 3 Nov 2006
0.02 miles