Ice-cream Queue
Allonby's ice cream is apparently very famous, and the length of this queue is a testament to that reputation. My friend, who lives in the area, joined the queue, and told me to go and walk about the village and see what there is to see there. Unbelievably, my last photograph before I rejoined her, not quite at the head of the queue, was taken 50 minutes after this one, so I reckon she queued for a full hour for that ice cream!
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 7 May 2018
0.02 miles
West End, Allonby
On the coast road between Silloth and Maryport, with Twentyman's famous ice cream shop on the left, Toll Gate House on the right.
West End is at the south of the village, so we're wondering how it got that name.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 24 Apr 2011
0.03 miles
Baywatch Hotel, Allonby
Allonby straggles for some distance along the B5300; towards the south end is the Baywatch Hotel, incorporating Jack's Surf Bar.
Image: © Stephen McKay
Taken: 6 Oct 2014
0.03 miles
Old milepost in Allonby
Clearly well looked after
Image: © Graham Hogg
Taken: 18 Jul 2019
0.04 miles
The Baywatch Hotel, Allonby
On Main Street, overlooking the sea - hotel website : http://www.baywatchhotelallonby.co.uk/index.html .
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 24 Apr 2011
0.04 miles
Jack's Surf Bar, Allonby
On the B5300.
Image: © JThomas
Taken: 23 Nov 2019
0.04 miles
Allonby grasses
Between the B5300 road through Allonby, and the beach, there is a thin strip of sand dunes with marram grasses growing. This is a view to the north, towards the village.
Image: © Richard Thomas
Taken: 22 Aug 2016
0.04 miles
Car Park
Allonby is fortunate to have room for a large car park on the grassy area between the main road and the dunes. Compare the queue beyond it with
Image], taken 50 minutes before.
Image: © Anne Burgess
Taken: 7 May 2018
0.05 miles
Old Milestone by the B5300, south of Allonby
Stone post (plate lost) by the B5300, in parish of ALLONBY (ALLERDALE District), opposite Milestone House, Criffel House, North of Christ Church, on grass verge opposite detached houses, on open land, on West side of road. Wigton curved red stone, erected by the Cockermouth & Maryport turnpike trust in the 19th century.
Inscription reads:-
Grade II Listed. List Entry Number: 1276007
Milestone Society National ID: CU_WGWO12.
Image: © CF Smith
Taken: 29 Sep 2005
0.05 miles
Public Toilets, Allonby
Allonby is a popular seaside destination for visitors, especially families, with extensive beaches and views across the Solway Firth to Scotland.
Much to the disquiet of local businesses, Allerdale Borough Council are spending millions of pounds providing a new tarmacadam cycle track along fourteen miles of the coast either side of Allonby from Maryport to Silloth which will be of marginal benefit to most visitors to the village, but that same council has permanently closed the one facility that almost all visitors find essential!
Image: © Adrian Taylor
Taken: 22 Mar 2021
0.05 miles