Linton Holme public house, Carlisle - December 2018
Shown as a field on the 1879 OS Map, the "Linton Holme" appears to have been built 1899-1901. It was acquired by the State Management Scheme on 11 August 1916 and sold to Scottish & Newcastle on 17 April 1973. Still trading.
Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with this business and cannot advise on its products or services.
Image: © The Carlisle Kid
Taken: 22 Dec 2018
0.02 miles
Former railway hostel, Lindisfarne Street
The building on the left is marked on 1960s OS maps https://www.old-maps.co.uk/#/Map/341173/555175/13/101329 as 'Railway Hostel'. Looking at older maps, it appears to date from the early 20th century - then conveniently situated just behind the London Road railway yard (see
Image ).
Today it is still a men's hostel, but run by Impact Housing, not the railways.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 4 Oct 2011
0.02 miles
The Linton Holme Hotel
Pub at the corner of Delagoa Street (left) and Lindisfarne Street (right), which opened in 1901.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 1 Mar 2008
0.03 miles
New houses at Tramside Way (2011)
A housing development called Linton Grove, off Lindisfarne Street.
The homes were built on land previously occupied by Watts Storage Depot, which was established in a former railway yard. A photo taken from the same position in March 2008 shows quite a different scene
Image .
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 4 Oct 2011
0.04 miles
Old engine shed behind Lindisfarne Street (2)
For information about the building, see
Image .
When this picture was taken in March 2008, the site (Watts Storage Depot) had approval for a housing development. The buildings were demolished a few months later, but suffered a couple of arson attacks in the intervening period - see BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7423221.stm .
Compare this view with one taken from the same spot in October 2011
Image .
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 1 Mar 2008
0.04 miles
Old engine shed behind Lindisfarne Street (1)
Back of the former engine shed at London Road yard, built by the North Eastern Railway in the late 19th century. The locomotives were transferred to the Canal depot in the 1930s, but the shed yard remained in use by BR until 1963. Not long afterwards it was acquired by J & W Watt, whose business switched from mainly haulage to warehousing and storage in the mid 1980s. Around that time, additional large buildings were erected beside the older sheds.
The engine shed has three gables, and at some time during the mid 20th century the roof of the central section was taken off. It has later been replaced in a more basic style, lacking the round window and stepped brickwork seen on the gables either side.
When this picture was taken (March 2008) the shed was shortly to be demolished, and Watts Storage Depot redeveloped with housing.
See also
Image .
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 1 Mar 2008
0.05 miles
Puddle in a back alley
The alley runs behind the terraced houses of Delagoa Street and Sybil Street.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 16 Jan 2008
0.06 miles
Lindisfarne Street
Residential area in the older part of Carlisle, with terraced houses and cobbled streets.
Image: © Mary and Angus Hogg
Taken: 20 Feb 2018
0.07 miles
Margaret Creighton Gardens
Thousands of crocus bulbs were planted here in 2007 by Carlisle Housing Association, as a neighbourhood regeneration project. They were put in with a mechanised planter.
The properties were built as housing for the elderly in 1932, and named after the wife of former mayor Archibald Creighton.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 16 Mar 2008
0.09 miles
Adelaide Street allotments, January 2008
View from Melbourne Park, looking towards the end of Delagoa Street.
The warehouses on the left are at Watts Yard, a storage business accessed from London Road - see http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5267686 . They were demolished a few months after this photo was taken, and houses have been built in their place.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 16 Jan 2008
0.09 miles