Painted sign, former Walter Willson shop
Walter Willson had a large chain of grocery stores across the north of England. It was in operation from the mid 19th century until 1998, though this shop in London Road had changed hands many years before that.
A few months after this photo was taken the building was done up, and the brickwork rendered over.
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 3 Jan 2008
0.01 miles
ZigZags Hair Salon - Botchergate, Carlisle - September 2016
While very similar in appearance to the Lord Brougham pub, this is now not thought to have been licensed premises. The hair salon seen here has since closed.
Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with this business and cannot advise on its products or services.
Image: © The Carlisle Kid
Taken: 13 Sep 2016
0.01 miles
Former Post Office, Botchergate
Woods Newsagents, on the corner with South Street, used to contain a popular sub-post office. This closed in 2004, after the Post Office decided to prune its branches nationwide. On the wall of the shop can be seen
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 17 Mar 2008
0.01 miles
Plaque commemorating first pillar box in mainland Britain
The plaque is on the wall outside Woods Newsagents
Image The first British pillar boxes were trialled in the Channel Islands in 1852. Their success led to the introduction of boxes throughout the mainland, the first of which was erected here in Botchergate in 1853. To commemorate this event, a replica Victorian pillar box was set up in the town centre in 1989
For more information on the history of British post boxes see https://www.postalmuseum.org/discover/explore-online/postal-history/letter-boxes/# (and archived information sheet https://web.archive.org/web/20080725032212/http://www.postalheritage.org.uk/history/downloads/BPMA_Info_Sheet_Pillar_Boxes_web.pdf ).
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 13 Mar 2008
0.01 miles
Plaque and George VI postbox, Botchergate
Situated on the wall of Woods Newsagents
Image The original 1853 pillar box is long gone from here, but it may have been similar to one in Dorset :
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 13 Mar 2008
0.01 miles
1930s architecture in Carlisle
This building fails to blend in among mostly much older buildings in Botchergate, Carlisle. It is at the junction of Rydal Street. It is currently in use as the Carlisle Taekwon-do School.
Image: © Richard Dorrell
Taken: 25 Jul 2011
0.02 miles
Former "The Earl Grey" pub - September 2016 (1)
The original Earl Grey pub was built circa 1837 (the first reference to a pub on this site) and was acquired by the State Management Scheme in August 1916. It was pulled-down circa 1934 and replaced by this most striking Art Deco building, designed by the prolific Harry Redfern and built by J & R Bell. The new pub opened on 9 July 1935 and was still trading in 2004, but is now used by a martial arts club.
A view of this building taken after closure of the pub, may be seen:
Image] .
Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with any organisation seen in this view and cannot advise on their products or services.
Image: © The Carlisle Kid
Taken: 15 Sep 2016
0.02 miles
Former "The Earl Grey" pub - September 2016 (2)
Another view of this striking Art Deco building.
For the history of the former pub, see:
Image'>Image .
Image: © The Carlisle Kid
Taken: 15 Sep 2016
0.02 miles
The Jester, formerly Earl Grey
This pub at the south end of Botchergate opened in 1935 as the Earl Grey, to replace an older establishment of the same name. Since then it has had several identities, and is now closed and up for sale. The architect was Harry Redfern, who designed many pubs for the Carlisle State Management Scheme.
Near the pavement at the side of the building, on Rydal street, are the painted letters "EWS". This dates from World War ll, and stands for "Emergency Water Supply", to be used by firefighters if the main supply was damaged. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~rwbarnes/cd/ews.htm
Image: © Rose and Trev Clough
Taken: 3 Jan 2008
0.03 miles
Goodwoods, 17-21 London Road, Carlisle - September 2016
A seemingly long-established furniture and bric-a-brac shop on the London Road.
Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with this business and cannot advise on its products or services.
Image: © The Carlisle Kid
Taken: 15 Sep 2016
0.03 miles