Alfriston buildings [26]
This block of three cottages is now three shops. Built in the 17th century or, possibly, earlier. Timber framed, refronted in flint or plaster under a hipped tile roof. Small modern shop windows. Listed, grade II, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1191342
Alfriston is a village in East Sussex, some 6½ miles northwest of Eastbourne and 3½ miles northeast of Seaford. The village lies on the west bank of the Cuckmere River. There is evidence of occupation in the Neolithic period, with several long barrows on the surrounding downs. The village is home to The Star Inn, built in 1345 to accommodate monks and pilgrims en route from Battle Abbey to Chichester Cathedral. Also in the village is the Old Clergy House, the first building acquired by the National Trust in 1898.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 6 May 2022
0.00 miles
Market Square
Alternatively known as Waterloo Square due to the army barracks located behind the houses to the left that were stationed in this village during the Napoleonic Wars. These buildings date from the 17th century and have all been converted into shops. At the eastern end of the square next to the junction with North Street are Bank House a former farmhouse that dates from the 18th century and The Old Bank, now a shop but originally a small bank.
Image: © Simon Carey
Taken: 30 Dec 2012
0.01 miles
Waterloo Square Gallery
Along with promotional bike in the centre of Alfriston.
Image: © Oliver Dixon
Taken: 13 Sep 2019
0.01 miles
Alfriston houses [20]
Numbers 1, 2 and 3 Waterloo Square, North Street, were built in the early 19th century. Constructed of red brick under a tile roof. Listed, grade II, with details at: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1191367
Alfriston is a village in East Sussex, some 6½ miles northwest of Eastbourne and 3½ miles northeast of Seaford. The village lies on the west bank of the Cuckmere River. There is evidence of occupation in the Neolithic period, with several long barrows on the surrounding downs. The village is home to The Star Inn, built in 1345 to accommodate monks and pilgrims en route from Battle Abbey to Chichester Cathedral. Also in the village is the Old Clergy House, the first building acquired by the National Trust in 1898.
Image: © Michael Dibb
Taken: 6 May 2022
0.01 miles
Alfriston High Street
Image: © Roy Hughes
Taken: 27 Sep 1985
0.01 miles
The Old Bank, Alfriston
The Old Bank was built by Mr John Wilson in 1901 for Molyneux Whitfield and Co of the Old Bank, Lewes, and subsequently acquired by Barclays. The building was reputedly the smallest purpose-built bank building in England. It closed on the 30th April 1992.
Image: © Len Williams
Taken: 18 Jan 2014
0.01 miles
North Street - view to the south
Image: © Ian Hawfinch
Taken: 25 Mar 2021
0.01 miles
Alfriston village centre
The biggest change in this photograph appears to be that the large tree has been replaced since 1979 when comparing with Google Street Level Maps.
Image: © Colin Park
Taken: 27 Aug 1979
0.01 miles
Market Square, Alfriston, 1981
Image: © Nigel Thompson
Taken: 4 Aug 1981
0.01 miles
Chocolate shop, Alfriston
Image: © Rob Purvis
Taken: 7 Jul 2010
0.01 miles