Wall around Wilderswood
The path leads on to Ormston's Farm
Image: © Raymond Knapman
Taken: 15 Aug 2016
0.09 miles
Footpath junction on the west side of Wilderswood
Image: © Oliver Dixon
Taken: 2 Aug 2021
0.10 miles
Wilderswood (Wilder’s Wood) is a heavily wooded area on the southern flank of Winter Hill, south of George's Lane, near Rivington Pike. Up until the second half of the twentieth century, Wilder's Wood was much smaller than it is today, being mainly confined to the area of Wilder's Clough (http://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm?lat=53.59846231682764&lon=-2.531308309629222&gz=14&oz=8>=6. – present day and historical map). The bulk of the area was once bare moorland with few trees (except for the nearby wooded cloughs) and would have been fairly busy with local coal mining activities.There was also a large house known as “Rockhaven Castle” which was demolished in 1942, possibly because it provided an ideal marker for German bombers trying to target the Loco works in Horwich (http://www.about-horwich.co.uk/horwich/about-horwich-Rockhaven_Castle.html About Horwich - includes a photograph of the castle in its heyday).
The larger area now covered by Wilderswood was planted with Beech, Alder, Corsican and Lodgepole pines in 1959 in an agreement between Lancashire County Council and Blackrod Urban District Council. Hybrid Larch was planted later to replace dead pines.
http://www.daveweb.co.uk/whcombined.pdf Winter Hill Scrapbook compiled by Dave Lane
http://justramblingon.co.uk/country-walks/rivington/to-the-wilderswood/ “To The Wilderswood” - Mal Firth “Just Rambling On”
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 22 May 2012
0.10 miles
Old Rake Way, Wilderswood
Wilderswood (Wilder’s Wood) is a heavily wooded area on the southern flank of Winter Hill, south of George's Lane, near Rivington Pike. Up until the second half of the twentieth century, Wilder's Wood was much smaller than it is today, being mainly confined to the area of Wilder's Clough (http://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm?lat=53.59846231682764&lon=-2.531308309629222&gz=14&oz=8>=6. – present day and historical map). The bulk of the area was once bare moorland with few trees (except for the nearby wooded cloughs) and would have been fairly busy with local coal mining activities.There was also a large house known as “Rockhaven Castle” which was demolished in 1942, possibly because it provided an ideal marker for German bombers trying to target the Loco works in Horwich (http://www.about-horwich.co.uk/horwich/about-horwich-Rockhaven_Castle.html About Horwich - includes a photograph of the castle in its heyday).
The larger area now covered by Wilderswood was planted with Beech, Alder, Corsican and Lodgepole pines in 1959 in an agreement between Lancashire County Council and Blackrod Urban District Council. Hybrid Larch was planted later to replace dead pines.
http://www.daveweb.co.uk/whcombined.pdf Winter Hill Scrapbook compiled by Dave Lane
http://justramblingon.co.uk/country-walks/rivington/to-the-wilderswood/ “To The Wilderswood” - Mal Firth “Just Rambling On”
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 22 May 2012
0.12 miles
Wilderswood (Wilder’s Wood) is a heavily wooded area on the southern flank of Winter Hill, south of George's Lane, near Rivington Pike. Up until the second half of the twentieth century, Wilder's Wood was much smaller than it is today, being mainly confined to the area of Wilder's Clough (http://wtp2.appspot.com/wheresthepath.htm?lat=53.59846231682764&lon=-2.531308309629222&gz=14&oz=8>=6. – present day and historical map). The bulk of the area was once bare moorland with few trees (except for the nearby wooded cloughs) and would have been fairly busy with local coal mining activities.There was also a large house known as “Rockhaven Castle” which was demolished in 1942, possibly because it provided an ideal marker for German bombers trying to target the Loco works in Horwich (http://www.about-horwich.co.uk/horwich/about-horwich-Rockhaven_Castle.html About Horwich - includes a photograph of the castle in its heyday).
The larger area now covered by Wilderswood was planted with Beech, Alder, Corsican and Lodgepole pines in 1959 in an agreement between Lancashire County Council and Blackrod Urban District Council. Hybrid Larch was planted later to replace dead pines.
http://www.daveweb.co.uk/whcombined.pdf Winter Hill Scrapbook compiled by Dave Lane
http://justramblingon.co.uk/country-walks/rivington/to-the-wilderswood/ “To The Wilderswood” - Mal Firth “Just Rambling On”
Image: © David Dixon
Taken: 22 May 2012
0.15 miles
A view of Rivington Pike from Wilderswood
Image: © Ian Greig
Taken: 13 May 2011
0.15 miles
Stone cottage, Brownlow Road
Image: © Karl and Ali
Taken: 29 Jun 2014
0.15 miles
Track through Wilderswood
Shady oak wood on the climb towards Winter Hill.
Image: © Karl and Ali
Taken: 29 Jun 2014
0.15 miles
The path into Wilderswood
Image: © Ian Greig
Taken: 13 May 2011
0.17 miles
Montcliffe Water Pumping Station
Image: © Margaret Clough
Taken: 16 Feb 2006
0.17 miles