Storing the harvest
Storage tanks along Kilver Street, a familiar sight to the many travellers on the A37 through Shepton Mallet.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 30 Jul 2012
0.18 miles
Tanker at the Cider Mill
Cider making is big business in Shepton Mallet. This is part of the town's large industrial looking cider mill.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 27 Aug 2014
0.18 miles
Serious Amounts of Cider
The Shepton Mallet Cider Mill website has this to say :- "Our history, our present and our future are guided and shaped by the rhythms of the apple harvest. A process steeped in ancient traditions and superstitions, which are still kept alive today.
Cider is our heritage and our legacy. The glories of our past and our dreams for the future. It flows through our mill and runs through our veins.
Cider Lives Here" http://www.sheptoncider.co.uk/our-story
From which you might gather that Old Ned and Old Dan are still out the back somewhere hand crafting apples into oaken vats.
I'm sure they are, but elsewhere on site megalitres of nearly all the Big Name Ciders you can think of are produced on an industrial scale. Magners, Gaymers, Addlestones, Blackthorn, Taunton etc. are all part of the company.
Also available is the wonderfully named Somerset Snuffler, a medium dry cider sadly absent at our local Tesco's.
Image: © Des Blenkinsopp
Taken: 27 Aug 2014
0.19 miles
Vats at Gaymers, Shepton Mallet
The storage vats at this large cider maker, viewed from the A37.
Image: © Jonathan Billinger
Taken: 19 May 2009
0.21 miles
Fields near Charlton Viaduct
A view from the edge of
Image, which is to the right, with a mixture of stone walls, hedges and fences forming the field boundaries. Footpath SM 21/25, carrying the East Mendip Way, can be seen between the walls and crossing the fence.
Image: © Derek Harper
Taken: 7 Oct 2009
0.22 miles
Caught in the spotlight
The elusive Babycham, once common but now thought to be an endangered species, sheltering under cover in Garston Street. Many people reported seeing it in the open not far away in the past, but these days it seeks a less high-profile existence.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 30 Jul 2012
0.22 miles
Mulberry Factory Shop Sign
Noticeable as you enter Shepton Mallet from the North on the A37.
Image: © Steve Barnes
Taken: 10 Sep 2010
0.22 miles
Garston Street, Shepton Mallet
Looking west from Kilver Street, A37.
The Gaymer cider mill dominates this part of town; the trademark fawn of the company's product, Babycham, surveys the scene.
Image: © Jonathan Billinger
Taken: 19 May 2009
0.23 miles
Growing their own
A sign proclaiming the joys of a vegetable plot, providing both pleasure and hearty crops. See
Image] for a view of some of the beds.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 30 Jul 2012
0.23 miles
Not been the best of summers
Some crops have grown in the community plot, despite 2012 being a bad year for gardeners. See
Image] for a sign about this reclaimed area.
Image: © Neil Owen
Taken: 30 Jul 2012
0.23 miles